The Letter She Never Received (Wattpad Romance)

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Romance

"Lucy, do you remember how we first met?

I do. I've never had faith in blind dates but after meeting you, I was forced to think otherwise. Of course, it wasn't love at first sight. Heck, I didn't even have any romantic feelings for you on our first ever date.

But I believe that my love for you blossomed and grew over time.

And do you remember our first kiss? It was an accidental one. I slipped on you but you didn't believe me and were cross with me for a week. After buying you 3 bouquets, you finally forgave me and the way you laughed at that time, is still clear in my mind.

Do you remember the time when we danced to Teenage Dream by Katy Perry at 3:33 a.m because you loved odd numbers? The neighbors woke up and threatened to call the police. You didn't make matters any easier when you showed them your middle finger.

Do you remember our one year anniversary? It was on Halloween and we both dressed up as Jeff The Killer. You looked scarier than me.

Do you remember all the times you would laugh so hard whenever I made a joke or even a pun? I do. Your voice still rings clear in my ears.

Do you remember when I used to play the guitar at night and you would sit from across me with this dreamy look in your eyes? I would ask you what was on your mind and you would simply smile and shrug.

Do you remember when I proposed? I suppose you do since you couldn't stop crying. As for me, I couldn't stop smiling.

I remember everything. And everything we did, everything we ever had was close to perfection. Every time I think about us, a smile appears on my face. We were happy. We loved each other. I loved you. I was happy. But maybe, you weren't.

Is that why you jumped off that cliff?

Why weren't you happy? Was it something I did? No matter how many times I think back, I can't find a solid reason for you to jump. Why did you do it?

I think after everything we had, I at least deserve to know. You never left a note. No last goodbyes.

You simply went and jumped.


That one question kills me every single time I think about it. Why?

You never mentioned anything that would indicate your reason to commit suicide. If there really was something that was bothering you, you should've told me. So why didn't you? Didn't you trust me enough?

I loved you, I still do. Even though, I was never the expressive type, I still confided in you my problems. Isn't that what you're supposed to do? Isn't that what love really is?

I thought I was sure of your love for me but after this... I'm not so sure anymore.

What did 'we' mean to you? What did I mean to you?

Did you even trust me at all?

If I ever meet you in the afterlife, I would like to ask you just one thing.

Lucy, did you even love me?"

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