20 Facts Challenge

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Okay, so I was tagged by Humble-Human95 to state 20 facts about myself and since I'm too busy to create a separate book for that, I thought I'd do them here. XD This is a book for contests and challenges, after all. Anyway, I tag 4 people to do this challenge as well: Unlimitedbladeworks - unemotionally - chiru37 - MadelynMeisjesnaam

Here goes. XD

1) Some people used to think that I was a lesbian back in high school because of the way I dressed and talked. XD I also prided myself in being called a tomboy so there was that too.

2) At a first glance, people take me to be a quiet and nerdy girl because of my glasses but the people who have come to know me can easily swear that I'm anything but. :3

3) I wear my glasses everywhere I go and keep them beside me when I'm sleeping.

4) I changed drastically from a shy and silent girl to a poker-faced troublemaking tomboy. XD So, the people who knew me back in middle school wouldn't recognize me at all.

5) I have made quite a number of friends but there are 3 in particular that I always come back to. :3 You know who you are!

6) I almost broke my sister's nose when she was tickling me. :3 It was a reflex.

7) My parents tell me that I had a tendency to say cuss words when I was little and they had no idea where I learned them from. X3

8) I hate skirts because I fell down while wearing one. Lesson learned that day: Never try to do karate while you're wearing a tight skirt.

9) I have never applied makeup in my entire life except on 3 occasions where my friends and cousins literally held me by my hands and forcibly applied it to my face.

10) I love jeans. Period. And caps. And rings. And jackets. XD

11) I slap hard. My male cousins all agree to this.

12) I've never seen winter. >.<

13) I love Japan. XD

14) I hate hot beverages which probably makes me the only writer on the planet who doesn't need coffee to function.

15) I keep jumping from story to story before finishing one so even though, I've been on Wattpad for almost 2 years I haven't completed a story. X3

16) I cannot type or read or write without walking. I need to be on my feet all the time.

17) I bite and pull at my lower lip a lot which is why it's slightly bleeding some times.

18) I'm an old-fashioned person that hates updates and prefers letters over social media. :3

19) I have a slight scar on my right eyebrow which was caused when I foolishly ran into the edge of a shelf back when I was in middle school. You can still see it if you look close enough but I kinda wish that it was more prominent. I mean, scars are cool. XD

20) I once cross-dressed as a guy and one of my sister's friends developed a crush on me but my sister burst her bubble too soon and I didn't get to play along. XD

21) Yes, 21 facts because I'm such a rebel. XD Anyway, I had this funny habit of jerking my head up while smiling when someone caught me staring at them. So I gave a few people the impression that I was hitting on them. XD Anyway, I did that to an invigilator once during an exam and she was dumbfounded and creeped out because she didn't walk by my table again. XD

Ta-da, that is all. XD I hope you enjoyed them.

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