Her Only Fear - 2 (Short Story Competition)

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BREA gulped down her second drink and slammed the empty glass onto the bar. Why was it so loud in here? Oh, yeah. She was in a bar, that's why.

People around her continued to chat and dance to the blaring music, well those who were too drunk to stand up straight, attempted to dance anyway.

She looked around, searching for someone who would unknowingly pay her due bills. Her sharp, blue eyes stopped on a tall man with ebony hair. His eyes were the color of charcoals and when he smiled at someone, the dimples that appeared on his cheeks made Brea turn around completely in her seat to get a good look.

He was good looking and the powerful aura that he seemed to be emitting from him and the way he carried himself with self-importance, confirmed that he had the green that Brea had been looking for so she stood up.

She ducked between people as she cautiously made her way towards him, her eyes fixed on him. He was looking in the other direction when she passed by him and in one swift movement, she had done the deed, a triumph smile already on her face.

When she was near the exit, she glanced down at the stranger's brown wallet in her hands and tucked it in her purse as she left the bar.

There was a dark alleyway just beside the bar's entrance and when Brea crossed it, someone from behind reached out and pulled her into the alleyway's darkness, a rough hand on her mouth to keep her from screaming.

Her heart jumped at the sudden and unexpected assault but she smiled as she thought to herself about how she would have to commit another murder again. This fucker had just signed his own death wish.

Surprisingly, she didn't have to struggle at all as the stranger let go of her, allowing her to turn around to face her assaulter. She blinked as she saw that it was the guy from the bar with the dimpled-smile.

"I believe you have something of mine," he smiled down at her, his dark eyes piercing hers and for some reason, his smile sent shivers down Brea's spine for it certainly wasn't a friendly one nor an accusing one. But rather an...amused, challenging one. One that dared her to make the move that she had in mind and that was to kill. Again, for some reason, Brea found herself not wanting to make that move.

She plastered a surprised expression on her face. "Excuse me?"

His smile widened and so did Brea's anxiety level. What was happening? Why was she acting this way towards him, was she afraid?

"Don't play dumb," he said simply, taking a step toward her and Brea's back was pressed up against the wall.

She looked him straight in the eye. She was annoyed at herself for being so paranoid about him. She had no reason to be afraid. She was Brea Casey, after all.

"Yeah? Even if I do, whatcha gonna do about it?"

He shook his head slowly, his dark eyes imploring into hers. "Wrong answer."

What happened next was so fast that Brea never saw it coming. He punched her right in the face, knocking the breath out of her. She gasped as she swayed on her feet and her head started to spin. She had heard a crunching sound when he had punched her, making her wonder if her nose was broken. When she touched her face, her fingers came in contact with a warm liquid. Blood.

Without giving her the time to think about her course of action, he kicked her hard on her side, causing her feet to leave the ground as she fell down sideways. As Brea looked up at the towering person above her, she knew she had messed with the wrong guy. 

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