The Reunion - 4 (The March Challenge)

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5 months later...

"Mommy, why don't I have a dad?"

Chris's fingers paused over the keyboard and she glanced back at her four year old son, Andy who had inherited his father's dark eyes. However, his slightly crooked nose was the perfect replica of Chris's nose. She turned in her chair so that she was fully facing her child.

"Why would you ask something like that, Andy?"

"Because," he started, as he picked up a red crayon and resumed his coloring, "Ross has a daddy and Angela has a daddy too. And Megan's daddy comes to pick her up from shool."

Chris smiled a little. "It's school."

He nodded, as he continued to color. "That's what I said. So, Mommy why don't I have a daddy?"

Chris bit her lower lip. How could she possibly explain this to a child?

Then, Andy looked up, his eyes holding a curious expression. "Is Roger my daddy?"

Chris opened her mouth and then closed it. Roger. It only made sense why Andy would think that. Roger had been a regular visitor ever since the Reunion a few months ago. He would often drop by before dinner and would end up staying till eleven when Chris would have to pry Andy off of Roger and force him to go to bed.

Andy who never had a father figure in his life, readily started to look forward to Roger's visits and Roger didn't disappoint as he brought a gift every time he came over.

Before Chris could answer Andy's question, the door opened and Sasha walked in. "Look who decided to show up a little earlier."

Roger walked in after her and gave a little wave. "Hey, little man!"

"Roger!" Andy squealed as he abandoned his crayons and ran into the welcoming outstretched arms. Roger glanced towards Chris and smiled, his green eyes twinkling. "Hey to you too, big woman!"

Chris laughed. "Hi, Rog."

"Roger, Roger." Andy tugged on his sleeve. "Can we go outside to play, please?"

"Whatever you say," he smiled as he held the little hand. He looked up at Chris. "I'll see you in a few minutes."

They both left and Sasha closed the door behind them. "He's such a sweetheart."

Chris turned back to her typing. "No point denying that one."

"Do you like him?"

Chris shrugged, as she continued to type. "He's a nice guy, yeah."

"No, I meant do you like him that much that you'd want to perhaps share the same bed with him?" She asked, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. Chris made a disgusted face and looked at her. "Sas, stop it."

"Oh, come on!" She whined. "You've been single for way too long. Why not just try going out with him? What have you got to lose?"

She shook her head as she turned back to the computer. "No."

After a while, Sasha added. "I think that he genuinely likes you."

Her fingers paused again. "Sas, stop lying. I'm not in-"

"I'm not lying!" She said, stamping her foot. "He really does like you. I mean, have you even noticed the way he looks at you?"

Chris turned to her. "Really?"

Sasha nodded, glad to have her friend's attention. "Oh, yeah. You can literally see lust behind those perfect green orbs of his."

She raised an eyebrow, trying to suppress her smile. "Lust?"

Sasha waved a hand at her. "Kidding. But seriously though, I think you should give him a chance. Why else do you think he finds a reason to visit you?"

"He visits all of us," Chris corrected her.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, sure. Whatever. Just think about it, okay? Besides, Andy does need a father."

She walked out of the room and Chris turned back to her typing again. But her mind was on Roger now. Did he really like me, she wondered. Why haven't I noticed before? And Sasha was right, she admitted to herself. Andy really does need a father. A single parent isn't enough.

That night, as Chris watched Roger tickle Andy on the sofa, something stirred within her and she found herself smiling as she watched those two.

----The End----

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