The Reunion - 3 (The March Challenge)

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"I'M sorry," Sasha apologized the next morning. "I shouldn't have forced you to go."

Chris shook her head, as she blew her nose into a tissue. "I'm glad you did. If I hadn't gone, I would have continued to wonder about him. You know, a part of me wanted to know."

Sasha nodded, understanding. Chris's blue eyes had a distant look in them now and she had eye-bags underneath them - a sign of not having slept a wink last night. Her brown hair had been quickly gathered into a loose ponytail to keep them out of her face. Sasha reached out and patted her arm. "Do you regret Andy?"

At her question, Chris's head snapped up and she looked at Sasha as though she had just grown a second head. "What?"

Sasha pursed her lips, waiting for an answer and Chris looked away, deep in thought. Did she regret having her son? "No," she said, her voice firm. "Not for an instance."

Sasha's smile was contagious and Chris found herself smiling too. "He ought to be back in a few hours," Sasha told her, as she stood up and grabbed the empty cup of coffee and carried it into the kitchen. "In the meantime, let's celebrate your birthday!"

As soon as those words left her mouth, Taylor's Swift's voice filled the room and Chris chuckled, rolling her eyes.

"It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters and make fun of our ex's...."

Sasha stepped out the kitchen, with a smug smile on her face and she pulled Chris off of the sofa. "Twenty-two, really?"

She shrugged. "C'mon. It's perfect for today since you turned that age!"

"Sas, is there a limit to how ridic-"

"Yeah! We're happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time!" Sasha sang along with Taylor, totally ignoring Chris who was laughing by this point. "Come on, live it!"

Chris shook her head, giggling.

"I don't know about you but I'm feeling twenty-two. Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you!"

Sasha hooted as Chris started to sing along. Both the women raised their hands up and began to dance. Well, attempted to anyway. Seeing each other dance with such weird moves, had the two clinging to each other as they laughed at their own stupidity.

"Tonight's the night when we forget about the heartbreaks. It's time. Uh oh! I don't know about you but I'm feeling twenty-two. Everything will be alright if we keep dancing like we're twenty-two."

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