Heartfelt Departures - Prologue (Valentine Day Special Short Story Contest)

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THEY say that airports are romantic. Well, I'd love the meet the guy who claimed that because they are anything but romantic! They are stuffy and everyone is always in a hurry to get to their planes to notice someone else.

Such were my views on airports but on that fateful day, I had to reconsider my thoughts, thanks to a great blizzard due to which all the flights had been delayed and I, along with other passengers was stuck on the airport for hours.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any more worse than this, a kid spilled his chocolate milk on my jeans. His mother apologized profusely but the damage had already been done.

You can only imagine my irritation and annoyance and in a haste to get to the men's bathrooms, I didn't notice the person sitting on the floor with her legs crossed underneath her, her face buried in a book. And the most embarrassing thing happened.

I fell.

On top of her.

Yeah, not exactly the smoothest first impression. 

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