Chapter 35

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"You shouldn't have done that. Those boys are ours." A guy, seems like the leader of the gang was stopped in front of his gang member, facing the five of them, Tee, Kimmon, Tae, Itthipat and Wuttichai. "Who said they were yours? Don't be delusional." Tee was retorting back, feeling disgusted with the guy's statement.

"Let see who was delusional, with only five of you, and my whole gang. Attack them!" They were all attacking the five of them. Kimmon, Itthipat and Tae using their long legs to use it for their first attack, making one of their opponent down the floor. Wuttichai had using his strong punches to punch his first opponent, and Tee, was dodging them first while bowing down and attack on their stomach and from under the chin for the second opponent.

Kimmon was using his arm to stop the punch, but it seems like it was a wrong move since his arm was hurt too, but then still, using his leg, he attack the stomach of his other opponent with his knee up. Tae and Itthipat had working together to fight opponent which came from every direction, and Wuttichai would sometime cover for Tee or Kimmon when he saw the opponent was trying to attack both of them in different directions. Still, they couldn't avoid receiving some punches here and there, until a few cars approach them, stopping around where they were fighting.

Seeing how many person embark from the new arrived car, the leader of the gang was fast running to Tee taking him from behind, with his hand on Tee's neck and his other hand was pointing a gun on Tee's side head. Watching how his men starting to lose fighting with five guys earlier, with so many guys who were just arrived, he knew he was at disadvantage, so he need a ticket so he could get away from there.

Tee happened to be the nearest to him, so that's why he chose Tee, but still it was the wrong move of him, since Tee was Prem's priority. The guys that were arrived with him was taking all the gang member and putting them inside the van, since they were already weak, and with some more punches, they were already down.

Prem, Kimmon, Tae, Itthipat and Wuttichai were focused on the gang leader's action against Tee. "I don't think you want to come near me, with my gun on his head. Before I blown his head up, you should just let me go." The gang leader was saying. "Besides, I need him so that I can ask higher payment from his mother."

Prem was smirking to that. He could see that guy was using a single-action revolvers, yet his finger wasn't place on it's hammer, at all. "I guess that was your new toy, isn't it? Have you use it? To fire things...or person?" Prem's statement making all five of them shocked, with wide eyes. "Yes, it's new, but it's not like I couldn't use it on him now...if you know what I mean."

Prem was using his eyes to give Tee a signal, so that Tee could attack him. "Don't you know playing with new toy, without even learnt how to play it properly could be dangerously, to you and others?" Prem keeps on talking to the guy, trying to change his attention. "Hahahaha, like I wo....."

Tee was using his elbow to punch on the guy's stomach and using his arm to give a punch up, below his chin, and Prem would come faster attacking him before he could have a time to attack. He even tried to use his gun and was pulling the trigger, but the fire didn't happened and Prem was giving him a side kick on his head, making him down unconscious.


"Daddy is driving right now, baby, please took a seat beside daddy, okay." Copter who was keeps on rubbing Kittee's back who was still straddling him on his driver's seat while he was still driving, saying it to Kittee so that he could understand. "We will cuddle all day today, prince, don't think you can get away from me today." Hearing his dad, Kittee was smiling widely while taking a seat beside his daddy.

"Sawadikha, uncle. Thank you for saving me." The boy who was just now watching how Copter communicate with his son, now greeting Copter. "Sawadee. What is your name, boy? And thank you, for saving my son away from that gang, though i don't know why you did that."

The boy would just looking down. "My name is Pete, sir. I was just an errand boy for them, since I was an orphan who leaves on the street, so they took me in. When I saw they took him in, unconscious, I overheard boss's conversation with the one paying him, to get rid of him. They had planned to do something to him this morning, so, while they were all sleeping and drunk, I took him away, and with the help of a taxi driver that I knew."

Copter then use one hand and was patting on the boy's head while smiling. "You are very brave, Pete. Thank you." Kittee then giving his two thumbs up to Pete. "I thought he couldn't hear nor talk. What is his name, uncle?" Copter and Kittee then was smiling at each other hearing Pete's question.

Copter then, taking out his phone and was giving it to Kittee. Kittee was taking it and was typing in notepad before showing it to Pete. "Hi, P'Pete. My name is Kittee, and I'm sorry I couldn't talk, but I can hear you. Sorry, I was ignoring you before, since I was scared."

After reading it, Pete then ruffles Kittee's hair while smiling. "How old are you?" He would ask. Kittee then using his one hand, showing his palm to Pete, indicating five fingers. "Five, you will be going to school then." KIttee would be nodding his head fast to that. Hearing the word school, he feels excited.


It 4.40 am when Copter heard a knock on his hotel room's door. Kittee and Pete already sleeping on the bed, and he was planning to let everyone knew tomorrow morning. But he was dead worried. He was waiting for any news, or Tee himself, so that he can be at ease knowing all the guys are safe. He tried to call Tae, Itthipat or Kimmon, but none of them was answering his call.

He felt restless, and he hope all of them were safe. The gang members were too many, even he knew his friends were good fighters, but still, he would still be worried. When he heard the faint knock on the door, he was running and was opening the door right away.

Seeing smiling Tee, he was hugging out of relieved making Tee shocked almost stumble back. "Tee, you were safe, thank you." Copter was saying that while still hugging Tee tightly for a few more seconds before he realize what he was doing and was about to tear the hugs, but Tee was pulling him back on his arms. This time, Tee was the one hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry, Cop, for being stupid. I'm sorry for not trusting you, and was hated you for years, blaming you for everything when the one who had ruined everything was me. I'm sorry, for you had to suffer alone, giving birth to our Kittee, and raising him alone. I'm sorry." Tee was whispering to Copter's ears while hugging him, making both of them a crying mess.

End of Chapter 35

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