Chapter 23

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"Kimmon was at the meeting you were supposed to handle, and that was for what, three days straight and you were just telling me now?" Tae was talking quite in high pitch voice, not believing Tee's words and action.

"Why should I told you?" Tee then would ask him with his straight face. "I still remember how Itthipat was taking their side even though I was drunk at the time."

Tae was sighing to that. "You know how he is. He was a loyal friend, and he just felt bad for those two." Tee's eyes were rounded staring at Tae. "What about me, then? Doesn't he feel bad for me? I'm his friend too!"

Tae was raking his hair, frustrated and clueless on how to settle things between them two. "Still, you should have told me about him, so maybe I could punch him for his gut appearing before you just like that. Even if it was for work, but still, couldn't he approach you and telling you he was sorry?"

Tee then drinking his drink before turning to Tae once again. "I was the one ignoring him, though he had tried to talk to me a few times. Seeing his face was already making me see red, so, nope. I don't wish to be a killer just yet."

"Don't you curious......." Tae was hesitatingly trying to ask Tee when he could see Tee staring back at him with an intense stare that he was canceling his question. "You did tell me that you told your mother everything about you and Copter at the time. How did she react about it?"

Tee was frowning. "What's with the sudden question? And that was about who-the-name-I-don't-want-to-mention even." Tae was sighing. "Just wondering. Nothing special. Don't answer it, if you don't want to." Tae then drink from his glass. Tee was taking a deep breath before he decide to answer the question anyway.

"She was cool with it, I think, though she didn't say anything about it. She was just disappointed in me that I was blindly refused my father's request before. But then, I was so embarrassed after she knew what happened between 'the guy' and me, but she didn't comment further. She just asked me to focus on the family business instead of 'unnecessary things'."

"That was harsh." Tae then comment. Tee then smirking hearing that from Tae. "You think? I guess she wasn't far from the truth." Tae could just turn to him with unreadable expression, and continue drinking after that.


"You are back. You stink. Get shower first before sleep." Itthipat would shove Tae's hand who was hugging him from behind lying on the bed. Tae was getting into the blanket right away, hugging his boyfriend from behind when he was getting back home, after drinking with Tee.

He was lying on his bed instead of doing what Itthipat's said, staring up to the roof, thinking and wondering. Itthipat who felt weird with his boyfriend's act was turning around only to see him lying looking up straight.

"What's wrong?" Tae was keeps his position for awhile before answering his boyfriend. "I keeps on thinking about what you told me. And I don't know what to do."

Itthipat was sighing while lying on his bed too. He was staring up to the roof also, turning around. "I didn't know it was his mother, though I found it weird watching her standing there while smirking. When I first saw her in company's dinner last week, only then everything seems make sense to me, though it was all our thoughts and guessed for now."

"We don't have anything to convince Tee, and he loves his mother so much, though he was still blaming Copter even for the reason his mother changed too. I felt ashamed to Copter and Kimmon too. Thinking about Copter all alone with the baby had weighing my mind this few days. We shouldn't leave him right away without any proper reasoning at the time. I was regretted things a lot."

Itthipat could just nod his head to Tae's words, since he felt the same too. Truthfully, he felt worst than Tae to the point of he couldn't bear to hear any harsh words from Tee's mouth anymore, since he was the one who saw the woman standing behind a pillar not far from Copter's wardroom at the time.

Since he didn't know who that woman was at the time that later he get to know that she turned out to be Tee's mother. He remembered her face very clearly, because she was smirking when all they felt at the time was despair and betrayal, that he felt irritating so much by it.

Then, later they get to know that Tee was actually was one of Jaruji. The fact that the woman was hiding and that everything that happened at that time was all connected that he thought maybe what they saw wasn't really what it was.

"Kimmon was in the meeting Tee was in for Piniwat's company. He just told me tonight when everything was all over, and Kimmon was nowhere to be found. I was really tempting to ask Tee Kimmon's information, but I was afraid we will fight each other. He still couldn't forgive you siding with them the other day."

Itthipat's was sighing hearing that. "I tried to find Elena at her house, but she had moved not too long ago. They were all changing their phone numbers and I don't know if Elena was still working at the hospital Copter was at before. I did asked around, but since I didn't know her full name and her position, so it was hard. Tee was clearly love Copter so much that even now he felt the betrayal was so huge of a blow, and that everything was still matters to him. I don't want he ends up married Bas, when he doesn't love that guy. I have nothing against Bas, I just want Tee to be happy."

Itthipat then pulling Tae into his arms, once he was finished with his words, and was hugging him tightly, trying to ease all the stuffy feelings he had inside for their friends. It was so complicated, and they hope they could do something to make things right, once again. Tae was hugging his boyfriend with the same intensity.

End of Chapter 23

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