Chapter 15

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"Are you sure about this?" Elena was asking her senior a few times already, she ended up having the same answers. "I checked on it multiple times, Elena. I wish I was wrong too. I'm sorry." Her senior was patting on her shoulder before leaving her alone in her room.

She stared on the reports for almost an hour now, thinking, contemplating, confused on what to do or how to do it. No matter what, she needs to announce the result, but somehow, it was the hardest things to do than taking on her medical exams, struggling every semester. This doesn't have a right equation for it. She was raking her hair so desperately, wanted to be out of this mess. Still, she was so confused on how she was sinking deeper and deeper to her own feelings of attachment. Urghhhh!

If it was in normal circumstances, breaking out this kind of news wasn't that hard for her, since she knew it was just right for family to know the truth. But when it comes to Copter, her logic wasn't getting along with her heart that makes things difficult. Why these things keep on happening to you, Copter?

The next half an hour, Elena gathered all her strength and started walking out of her room heading straight to Copter's room. Once she arrived in front of the room, she holds the door knob and was pulling it slowly, and was stop when she heard Kimmon's question.

"I didn't really asked you before, but, can I ask why you decide to do things you did when I think you still could tell Tee about his mother." Elena was peeking inside and he could see Copter was feeding his baby while smiling before he turns to Kimmon.

"I know Tee, though I never knew his real family was Jaruji. He was so close with his mother that he could tell her every single thing about his life. He even told her about me and our baby. I don't think Tee would believe me if I told him, and even if he believed me, I don't want to be the reason for him to fight his mother. And besides, the most important things were my selfish reasons. I was so afraid his mother would leak the information regarding me and my baby, that I was so afraid of my baby's future. Once people knew about my baby, he would be forever labeled as a freak's son. I can handle whatever treatment people would give me, Kim, but I don't think I could handle it if that happened to my baby. I'm sorry for being this selfish of a human."

Elena never thought Copter would declare himself as a selfish when all he thinks about was his baby and his lover. Why would she stopped and listen to their conversation? It's just makes her felt more difficult to deliver the facts. However, she knew she needs to do this, and it was her responsibility. She took a deep breath and was opening the door wide, making the two guys in the room turning to her.


After Elena had dropped the bomb, the room fell silent for a moment, which she felt forever. After a few more seconds, she could see, Copter's tears falling down like a pouring rain, hugging his baby in his arms. Elena couldn't help but to cry seeing Copter, while Kimmon couldn't bear to see Copter, and was standing heading near to the window, looking outside the city.

"Your baby was fine physically and he was healthy, Copter. However.......when we take a look, I mean, we detected there was anomaly in his left cerebrum, that we believe it will have affect which we couldn't tell for now. He might lose the ability for speech, but the other affect could be minor, but we will have to see."

Elena's words were playing inside Copter's head over and over again. This was his entire fault. They say having a preterm birth was really risky, and he was too reckless. In the end, his baby had to face the consequences. 'My baby Kittee. My poor baby. Daddy is sorry na. Daddy was wrong.'


"Let's go back to my hometown, Cop. I will let my mother taking care of your baby, telling her one of my one night-stand was having this baby. I might not come from a big shot family as Tee, but my family is big, and could handle another baby."

It was the next day of the bomb news dropped to them about the baby. And it was already almost a month that Copter was here in the hospital. His treatment was finished and the research was complete. Elena had gathered enough data and had her result, and tomorrow Copter would be discharged from the hospital, yet he doesn't have a place to go. So, Kimmon was making that offer.

"No, Kim, I will never let go of my baby. But I will follow you to your hometown, I don't know where to go anyway. You can tell your mom that someone give this baby to me, or anything. You are good with that, you always good at it. Or maybe you could tell people my girlfriend died while giving birth. Will you do that? I'm sorry I had to drag you to my problems, again."

Kimmon then clapped his hand. "Ahha! That was a good idea. Your girlfriend was died giving birth and her family doesn't want to accept the baby. My mom will surely welcome you. She was just that kind of lady you know."

Copter would shake his head to Kimmon's action. Luckily Kittee was a heavy sleeper. He wouldn't bother much if it just a simple noise as clap and that wasn't enough to awake him. He was feeling guilty and guilty to Kimmon, but at the same time, he was thankful for having a friend like Kimmon by his side. He remembered the day he ask Kimmon about going to work, and how shocked he was when he told him, he was quit his job at the factory.

Kimmon didn't enjoy working there anyway. And that when he told him about how P'Tam was getting angry since all of them quit working there at the same time putting him in a tight spot. Itthipat and Tae quit too? They might get another job, who knows, maybe at Jaruji Engineering and Infrastructure. Jaruji was a big name in engineering and infrastructure firm and it was the biggest company in the country. All the engineering students had wished to have worked in their company which had office throughout the country.

"I'm sorry I mention his name. Let's make some rule, I mean something we could avoid. Let's promise that from today onwards, let's not talk about him or even mention his name. I don't like to see the sad faces of yours every time you heard his name." Kimmon's voice was taking him out from his trance of thoughts.

"I do?" Copter then asked, making Kimmon nodding his head. "But still, somehow, I want Kittee to know about Tee at some point, but maybe I had better chance of explaining to him when he was big enough to understand things, right?" Kimmon was nodding his head again. "Better that way, I guess."

Copter then giving out his small smile, then nods. "Let's do that then."

End of Chapter 15

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