Chapter 4

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"This will be your room. It's my house and I live alone, so don't worry. I don't usually receive any guest and I usually eating out if I'm meeting some friends. So you don't have to worry. And for the cost of living, until you give birth are all fall under the cost of my research. So you don't have anything to worry about. Just enjoy your time, have a good rest."

The doctor, Elena, was leaving Copter alone in his new room. After their appointment earlier this morning, Dr. Elena had running some more tests on Copter and his baby, and concluded that his condition was really weak, and he was banned from working.

Then came the offer, for her to support everything for Copter, with a condition, Copter would be his subject of her doctorate research. Copter doesn't have money to begin with, and he was clueless on how to take care of himself in this condition, and the fact that he didn't have anyone in his life, the perk of being an orphan, he jump to the offer right away.

So, he was calling P'Tam right away, resign from his work with health issue as a reason, he followed Dr. Elena right away, without saying goodbye to any of his friend. He didn't have any excuse to give them, and besides, he wasn't needed in their life. Granted, they might lose a friend, but he wasn't that useful as a friend to them anyway. With some tears and longing to see Tee, Copter was leaving the room he lived together with Tee more than a year, he took his step out of the room slowly.

He knew he had to live his life, with this longing and missing for Tee, but since it was one-sided, it doesn't matter he was here or not. It was the same anyway. So, with that thought, he was leaving all of them with no message, letter or notifications. He was taking out his simcard from his phone right away, once he was already in the car with Dr. Elena.

Dr. Elena was coming back to the room with some juice and fruits only to found Copter sitting on the bed, staring to nothing. She was heaving a big sigh, putting the tray of the drinks on the table and sitting on the chair facing Copter.

"Copter, I know you might have some problems and it might be involved the father of your baby, but you have to remember, you were pregnant right now. Your baby could feel you, and if you keep on being sad like this, it will affect him too. So, you have to try to be happy with your baby, and forget all those bad memories. Let's taking care of your baby together, okay?"


"Kimmon, did Copter said anything to you yesterday?" Tae was coming closer to Kimmon who was keep on working. "Nothing in particular. He just said he needs to have a rest and that he had medical leave for today. Why did you asked, Tae?" Itthipat was coming closer to them both when he could see Tae's face got tense while talking to Kimmon. "What's wrong, babe? What happened?"

Kimmon was turning his full attention to Tae and before he could utter anything else, Tee was coming closer, cheerfully singing and basically humping his steps to them, smiling his cheer self as always. But it got wider and he was smiling so much lately to the point of irritate them already. He stop in front of them three.

"Where's Copter? I didn't see him today." He would ask casually. "You didn't even knew Copter was sick and wasn't well, of course you wouldn't knew he was taking his sick leave today." Kimmon was telling Tee. "Oooh, really? Let him rest then."

Tee was about to leave when Tae had pulled him back, making his step halted. "Couldn't you pay more attention to Copter? I thought you both are best friends?" His friend's reaction started to irritate him already. "Copter was a big guy, I don't have to take care of him. So what if his having a fever, it wasn't like we never have it."

Tee was pushing Tae's hand from gripping his hand and was taking his step to leave to get to his post, but then Tae's words make him halted once again. "Copter already resign. Do you have any idea? Oh, I forgot, Copter is a big guy, he doesn't needs us and doesn't have to tell us anything, since he is a big guy." To that Tae was leaving right away, frustrated with the way Tee reacted these days and heading to the roof, taking some air.

He was so shocked earlier when P'Tam came to him telling him Copter was resign and ask him to tell him if there anyone looking for a job in the factory. He asked for the reason Copter was quitting, and he would say health problems.

Hearing it, he gets worried right away. He wasn't that close to Copter, compare to Tee, but he was the only one who knew Copter was an orphan. Everybody thought he came from a poor family back in his village, even Tee thought that way.

Where Copter would have gone if he was sick? Why would he left? Who would have taken care of him, when all he has was us, his friends? He was trying to call Copter so many times already, but he couldn't get through.

But then, suddenly, Tee was pulling him forcing him turning around, with Itthipat and Kimmon behind him. "What do you mean with Copter's resign? Why would he?!" Tae was staring at Tee deeply into his dark orbs that was shaking from angry?

"I don't know. P'Tam told me, something regarding his health issue." Tae would answer him, calmly. "Was he having any disease that we didn't know?" Tee was the one asking, making Tae laugh at him. "You were the one closer to him than anyone of us. He didn't tell you, since he didn't want you to keep on pity him. But, he didn't have anyone else aside from us, but because of you pushing him aside just like that, now he's gone. He might be thinking he wouldn't want to give us trouble with him sick that he decided to leave."

Tee was frowning hearing Tae. "What do you mean he didn't have anyone? He might have going back to his home, right, if he having any kind of disease? He might want to spend time with them." Somehow, Tae was laughing hard, that he thought this situation couldn't get funnier.

"Have you heard him talk to any of his family members? Message, or talking about them? Or maybe, you know where they live?" hearing Tae, Tee was thinking hard, trying to find any conversation, or any calls he would receive, or any complaints, but he couldn't think of anything. Copter rarely receiving a call, or messaged on his phone, except for their group of friends.

"I wouldn't know you were so self-centered Tee, that you couldn't even realize, or care anything at all about Copter. He was an orphan, and I happened to know when I had read his form applied for a job once. And that after we had spending four whole years with him. I don't know where he was in these conditions where...." Tae couldn't finished his words when Tee dashed out running leaving them all three dumbfounded.

Tee was running back to their room, only to see Copter wasn't there with an empty cupboard. His belonging were all disappeared along with Copter. He sit on Copter's bed, used to be Copter's bed, and was trying to call him again and again, but still couldn't get through.

"Cop, where are you? Please, call me, reply my message. I'm sorry, buddy. I was so bad of a friend to you. Where are you? Please come back. Let me take care of you, no matter how sick you are, Cop. Please."

Tee didn't know why he had to beg. But somehow, losing Copter from his life felt like half his life was gone. He was so comfortable having Copter in his life that he couldn't imagine living his life without him. And he was condemn himself, of how useless he was as a friend that didn't even know his friend was an orphan. Thinking about it again, he would heard that here and there, people would talking about Copter being an orphan and was a really good student despite that, that he would correct them, that Copter wasn't.

He was really a bad friend after all.

End of Chapter 4

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