Chapter 18

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"Come in." it was a voice of a man in his fifty, wearing spectacles a little bit lower on his nose, reading a few documents in his hands when he heard a knock on the door of his study room. Coming in from behind the door was another man, a young man in his 28, with a sweet face that could make people turning twice whenever he passed by.

"Father, you called for me?" he said coming closer. "Yes." The old man then standing up from his chair and taking a seat at the couch in front of his study table which the young man joined. "I've read your paperwork, they were agreed, but they were still wanted to tie us on relationship so we don't back out in a last minute."

The young man was sighing. "Let's agree on engagement first, and I will work hard on my part convincing them using the project alone. We can break the engagement anytime. I don't want to marry someone I don't know, dad."

"Okay, I leave this project for you to handle. Let Mew handle the heavy business as it is. Only when the bigger decision will you be needed there. We need this project to be happened, Tee. You know we needed it. We trust you and I leave it up all to you."

Tee was giving out a small smile. Somehow, deep in his heart, he thought all of this was so funny. "I will do my best, dad. You don't have to worry. If there's nothing else, I leave first."

Tee was walking up the stairs into his room. Once inside, he jump on his bed, lying, looking straight up to the roof. He was part of Jaruji, but being an illegitimate son, his existence were never appreciated even when his mother was married his father, legally after his first wife was dead. They never treated him like he was existed before, but then, suddenly he was important?

The world only knew that Jaruji only have one son, that is his brother who was lying on the hospital bed, in a comatose state after involve in an accident a year ago.

A year. That was how long his world had crumbled down and that he wasn't be able to let himself free and he lost his playful self since that day. He couldn't smile like he used to. Life wasn't just interesting anymore. He felt betrayed, treated like a fool. He thought and felt that what they have between them was real, but how stupid he was. He never knew Copter was such a drama king, having perfect plot of one sided love story when all he did was fooling him all those times.

Whenever he thought about that guy, his anger was so overwhelming that he couldn't help but to want to punch anything and everything every time, just like what he did right now, punching his bed and pillow. He sure needs a new pillow later that night.

Tee was coming back straight home after that incident, remembering that favor his mother was asked few days before, thus accepting his father's offer to handle the company while his brother was recovering and only then later he gets to know that his father's company was planning a new collaboration with a giant shopping mall company, planning to explore that side of business.

It was a great plan and opportunity, except for the condition lies behind that collaboration. Marriage. Two families, two companies and one marriage. He doesn't understand the marriage part, but the other side was insisting on the marriage no matter how much he tried to persuade them using his proposal and the project alone. He was sighing to that countless times already.

The first things he did when he joined the company were making sure his two friends were hired and they were working under him. No one in the company knew they were friends, and Tee decided that it should stay that way.


"It was still early to get drunk, stupid." Tae was coming closer and was pushing Tee's head right after, making the fuzzy head of Tee who already drank like there's no tomorrow get fuzzier. Itthipat was joining them with a sigh, watching Tee.

It was a usual sight whenever Tee had a day off the next day. He couldn't indulge in his work even if he wanted to, since his mother will keeps on calling him non-stop asking him to go back home. However, once he was back home, he couldn't stay for long, so here he was. It was barely 9 pm, and he was already drunk.

"What is it this time?" Itthipat was the one who asked. Tee then turned to him with a fake smile while putting up his glass for a toast. "I'm going to get engage. Congratulate me." Then Tee was drink the fill in one go.

"It wasn't even new, you could prolong thing for this long is even more shocking than that. You should move on too." It was Tae who was talking with his uninterested tone.

"That's the problem, Tae. I couldn't move on. Every time I think about that stupid guy, I felt like I should have killed him that day instead of punching the walls. Why I have to suffer like this when he was happy with Kimmon? Why?" Tee couldn't help the tears and was gulping the drinks from another glass that he was ordered before Tae and Itthipat was joining him. There were a few glasses on his table full of beer.

"How did you know he was happy?" Itthipat then asking making Tee and Tae looking at him. Itthipat was giving out a straight face and was looking back at both of them.

"He got what he wants, while stomping on my heart, betray me, fooling me, make a fool out of me, why wouldn't he be happy, huh?!" Tee was getting emotional right now. Might be the drink, might be his heart, but he couldn't help but to get angry at Itthipat's question.

Tae was shocked with the turnout of events and was in action ready mode. He sure needs to protect his boyfriend from an upset friend, though he didn't really understand Itthipat's point.

"We've talked about this countless times, and every time it was always, Copter the traitor, Kimmon the bad guy. Killing Copter was better. Do you really think it was better, Tee?" Itthipat's words was making Tee and Tae frowning even more.

"Babe, what are you talking about? We all watch the same things that day, and we all see what they both were doing." Tae was trying to reasoning Tee's frustration.

"Do we? All I saw was Copter holding Kimmon's back head, showing us they were kissing. But do we really saw them kissing? We've known each other for five years. Granted, we didn't know all about each other, but Tee, you were with Copter almost all the time, and I know who Kimmon is." Itthipat was trying to continue when Tee was cutting him.

"So, what? Like you said we never knew everything about each other. Just like he managed to lie to me about being an orphan, he can lie to me in so many other things, Itthipat. It was so easy to him. If you were here just to help them justify their doing, then, you can leave."

Itthipat then standing up right after, making Tae in a tight spot. One side is his boyfriend, and another side is his best friend. "Don't forget, you too had to hide from us the fact that you are one of Jaruji, when all this time we knew you only as Tee Thanapon."

With that, Itthipat had left right away, leaving dumbfounded Tae and a gritting teeth of Tee.

End of Chapter 18

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