Chapter 28

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"Waaaa, this hotel is so big, and look at this room, is this even a room?" New and everybody else was looking around in the penthouse room that Elena's family had provided for Kimmon's family. Elena's father was the president and the biggest shareholders of the hospital Copter was treated before. And because of his pride, he insist for Kimmon to get married in Bangkok, instead of up north of the country because of all the shareholders and his friends were all here.

And besides, he wanted to introduce Kimmon to his friends so that Kimmon can have a great network of the businessman, if he ever needed to open a new branch office for his company. Kimmon was just smile to that since he actually doesn't have any plan for that, for now, and even after marriage, Elena will follow him leaving up at north opening her own clinic. Elena was the one making that decision, and as stubborn as she is, her father couldn't denied her wish, but insisted for her to at least giving him a chance helping her with her capital.

"I hope everybody could be comfortable living here. I'm sorry you have to live in this hotel, mae, pa, instead of our house." Elena was giving out her apologetic expression for she knew it wasn't appropriate doing this. But her stepmother wasn't really good with guest, and she didn't want to make any of Kimmon's family members feeling uncomfortable around her.

"It's okay. It's easier for us to go around without feeling guilty. Since we rarely came to Bangkok, we might want to look around. This is turning out good for us, so, don't worry." Prichaya would hold Elena's hands and was patting on it a few times, making Elena sigh out of relieved. She was really worried even though Kimmon had told her a few times it will be okay.

"Copter too will stay here, right?" Freya was the one asking, since she wanted to take this chance to sleep with Kittee. "Of course. We already added a few additional beds, but if they are still anything you need, please let me know. I'll arrange it with the hotel management."

"It's okay, I can take another room. It will be too crowded, and you all will be uncomfortable." Copter was saying making Freya pouting while Kittee would hold her hand making Freya looking down and Kittee would signaling her telling her his father was right. It was making her pout more.

"Who is the child now, Freya?" Prichaya was asking while shaking her head while others would laugh. "I thought we are here to help with your preparations. So, what should we do?" Kimmon and Elena were looking at each other smiling.

"That was an excuse so that you would come here without complaint, mae. What is there to prepare? It was the wedding planner's job, and everything had been finalized. We will just waiting and be there on time on that day. So, where do you want to go today?"

It was three days before the wedding. So, Kimmon and Elena decided to bring Kimmon's family looking around Bangkok. He couldn't really remember the last time his parents were here in Bangkok, maybe it was his graduation day, but for sure, they would never taking their time to look around the city but to just going back home. Even that, they would come with only New, and Freya and Wuttichai had to stay back at the village to handle their business. It wasn't that well at the time.

They had to move in two cars, considering how many people there were, including Copter and Kittee. No matter how Copter tried to exclude himself and Kittee, Kimmon would never accept that and insisted that he needs to join. Besides, it was Kittee's first time to enjoy a family trip to Bangkok, so he had no choice but to join the trip.

They were visited quite a few places with lots and lots of pictures, of course, but still, Warun and Prichaya even forgot to feel exhausted feeling excited the whole trip, that once they were arrived at the hotel they both were sleeping right away when their head hit the pillow. Kimmon would just chuckle to it.

Once his parents and his siblings were settle on their own bed, Kimmon was getting out of the room, heading to Copter's room. After a few knocking, Copter was opening the door with frowning and a hush signal, telling him Kittee was already sleeping.

Kimmon was following Copter inside and heading straight to the veranda, closing the door behind them, so that their conversation didn't disturb Kittee's sleep. They couldn't go out because Copter couldn't leave Kittee alone in the room.

"Tae and Itthipat will be coming to my wedding. They were asking about you and hoping they could meet you before the wedding, so that they could talk to you." Kimmon was starting the conversation right away, since he didn't find the chance to tell him earlier.

"I thought they hated me." Copter would say. Kimmon chuckled to that. "Are you scared to meet them? Feeling guilty, are you?" Copter was making a scrunched up case before replying Kimmon. "Yup. How do you know that?"

Kimmon cant help but laugh, but he had to control his laugh once Copter warns him about Kittee being sleeping. "Don't I know you? You know they don't. They were angry, and felt betrayed by us, yes, but since they knew the truth now, they wanted to apologize. I'll give Tae's number to you. You should give him a call."

Kimmon was left right after giving Tae's number to Copter. It was 10 at night, it wasn't too late to make a call, but Copter was still thinking. Maybe, taking his time. He knew coming here, the probability of meeting them was high, and he was actually anticipated to it too. But then again, he was nervous. Will Tee be with them too?

He wasn't sure he was ready to face the guy. Furthermore, if he was already married and had his own married life. But, if he knew about Kittee, will he took him from me? If he knew the truth, and was married, would he want to snatch Kittee, from me?

Just thinking about it making Tee shivering to the bone. No, no, no matter what, he would never let that happened. He knew he cannot run from Tee forever, but if that were really to happen, though he wish never will, still he will face him then. He will make sure, no matter what, Kittee will not be taking away from him.

With the number already in dialing number pad on his phone, Copter was slowly pushing the call button and putting it on his ear. The phone was ringing a few times before someone had answered it. "Hello."

"Hello Tae, long time no see, it's me, Copter."

End of Chapter 28

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