Chapter 24

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Tee was taking his step slow and steady, taking a stroll by the beach. It was his favorite place for quite a while already. He missed all his friends, but the feeling doesn't feel right. He doesn't know what went wrong that he would decline his friends and message, and after some time, they stop contact him altogether, and then the busy of his task taking the new mall business, just to turn it into Jaruji's style of malls, brought them apart even more.

All he did was facing every day day-to-day basis, focusing on handling the business nonstop, when he realize one day, it was already four years had passed just like that. He put his marriage on hold too with his busy schedule as an excuse, asking Bas to focus on his study more, though the guy would complaint and whining all the times.

Tee was smiling a little remembering him all his whines and complaints, though he couldn't do much for it, but to just listen. Bas was right, he had changed. It's been already five years, but he wonders why he couldn't be happy though. Why couldn't he back being a playful and friendly Tee instead of a cold and distant Tee version he is now. Did he missed Copter more, or resent him more, he couldn't tell anymore.

But for sure, he couldn't forget the times he was living in Elena's apartment with Copter, cuddle every night for only a few months. With Copter already make his choice, he was at lost since then. He didn't know what right or wrong anymore, so to avoid thinking about it every single second his mind free, he drowned himself into his work. But now, when the company was stable, and both business was back in track, he could take a breather once a while, so this is his place since then.

He took the stroll some more when he saw two guys were kissing in front of him, not far from he was standing, making his step halted. The shorter guy was so familiar to him, but then the taller guy too? He wanted to curse his bad luck, when the scene just repeated itself and why would he being betrayed once again?

He watches them some more when the two were drown in their own world that they couldn't even realizes he was standing there for quite some time. He get closer to them both slowly, realizing they wouldn't aware of his existence still.

"Is this your assignment, Bas?" His voice was shaking, since the memory of Copter kissing Kimmon had coming back to him right there and then, but then, this scene was different, since he could see clearly those two were kissing the h*ll out of each other.

Hearing his voice, both guys were shocked when they turn only to see Tee was standing there, watching them, making Bas pushing the taller guy a little bit, making space between them. "Tee...." He wanted to say something yet he didn't really know what to say.

"P, do you even know he was my fiancé?" Tee would ask his brother who already awake for two years already now. Instead of focusing on the work, he was taking his time and let Tee do all the work, while he was sitting at the Assistant CEO position.

"You are Piniwat?" The taller guy was asking Bas back the question. "You were Tee's brother?" Tee was laughing awkwardly watching this funny scene in front of him. "Take your time to know each other more then, since you and I were finished, Bas." Tee would throw his ring that later hit Bas's chest, and turn and walk away, leaving the two.

Bas was running to Tee, pulling him on his wrist, making Tee turned around facing him back. "Please, Tee, listen to me. You have to listen to me. We didn't know each other, we were just having a repeated one-night stand relationship. You just didn't really paying attention to me and I was lonely, Tee. I just....."

Tee was pulling Bas's hand away from his hand, release it from keeps on holding his other hand. "You told me you could wait, when all I did was nothing but to be honest with you. I'm never being a good fiancé to you, I know. But at least I don't chose to betray you like you did to me just now, Bas. P'Joss is my brother, tell your parents that. I'm sure they would be eagerly let you marry him, instead of me. Besides, he was the real heir, not me."

Tee then was walking fast leaving Bas and his brother behind.


A small boy was standing while crossing his hands on his chest pouting, while keeps on glaring at an adult guy not far from him, who was busy discussing something with other farm workers. He was waiting some more while never turning away his stare.

When he felt he couldn't be patient anymore, he then throw the bean bag that was in his hand all the times, hitting the back of the guy, making him turn around, when he felt the familiar hitting at his back. Once he saw the little boy, his eyes were round for he forgot his promise to his son who keeps on tapping his fingers on his watch, indicating that his father was late.

The guy would tell all the workers that they will continue discussing tomorrow, since he already late with his date. He then picking up the bean bag that was used by his son and with an apologetic face, he came closer to his son, squat in front of him.

"Dad is sorry. I forgot to look on my watch while discussing. Don't be mad, please, na my prince." Copter was trying to ask forgiveness from his son, for this wasn't the first he late for his promise since he always lost keeping track of time whenever he was working. And Kimmon wasn't there to remind him since he was at Bangkok currently, busy preparing for his wedding with Elena.

Using the signal language he learnt from the early age, the child was reprimanded his dad with his pouty lips, making him cuter that Copter couldn't help but to smile watching the view, even though the kid was actually angry at him. "You were always late, whenever we promise to go out together. Next time, if you late again, I'm not going on a date with you anymore but to stay at granny's."

Copter then holding his two ears, as in a person who did wrong and chime, "Dad promise dad will not late again to our date. Our prince, are you ready to go to the dinner date with dad?" However, as innocent as a child could be, Kittee was nodding his head to his daddy's question eagerly, since it was already some time after their last date.

Copter then taking his son's hand in his hold and standing up right away, and walking side by side, while both were smiling, and sometime would smile to each other, heading to the car, parking at the farm's parking lot.

Along their way to the car, every workers they passed either say hi to Kittee which Kittee would waii or waving to them, or giving respect to Copter as their leader in the company.

The date Copter was promised turn out to be a dinner at Kittee's favorite fast food restaurant. Since Copter would restricting him from the fast food only once a month, it makes Kittee excited every time he get to go there. Copter would attend to every Kittee's request, making it a special time for both of them.

Copter was a hardworking worker. His position was the second top in the company after Kimmon, but he never thought that he was in the higher position from every one. Instead, he worked harder than everyone else so that the company could be grown every single day.

So, Kittee was spending most of his time in the house with Prichaya and Freya, including retired Warun in the main house. Only at late evening Copter would be picking Copter up and was going back to his own house.

Copter was buying a small land not far from Kimmon's house and had asked local contractor to build his house using his own design. It was a small house, with two bedrooms and two bathrooms, which he didn't really like bigger house.

So, he took this special time to pamper his Kittee and at the same time to make sure his bonding was still intact. No matter how hard he worked, the most important thing in his life was always his Kittee.

End of Chapter 24

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