Chapter 29

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Instead of meeting outside, Tae decided to invite Copter to his house and he and Itthipat will cook for their friend. Tae was a good cook, and Itthipat was really loves helping him in the kitchen and at the same time, he would learn a thing or two from Tae, though he couldn't be as good as Tae in the kitchen. So he stops trying so hard, and just doing things he does best, helping in the kitchen.

Itthipat and Tae were preparing the dining table, checking for everything making sure they were already serving all the foods they prepared on the table, when the bell ringing, indicating that their guest had arrived.

Tae was the one opening the door, and was glad that finally he could meet Copter. He was hugging the guy right away. "Thank you for coming. Please come in." He invited Copter who was smiling while holding his Kittee's hand. He was getting into the apartment and was engulf in another hugs and he was hugging back with the same intense feeling. He missed them too, by the way.

"Copter, I missed you, and I'm sorry." Itthipat was letting go of Copter. "I missed you both too, and I should the one saying sorry for deceiving you both at the time. I was really ashamed just to face you both again. Thank you for inviting me and my son today." Copter was saying making sure he looks at both Itthipat and Tae.

"No, don't feel that way. We could understand why you had to do it, giving the situation. We were late to catch on. And I feel stupid not believing you and Kimmon. Anyway, we should take a seat at the dining table right away. We could catch up while eating. Come." Tae was the one leading them and Copter would put Kittee on the chair beside him and then he turned to Itthipat and Tae.

"It wasn't much, but I hope you missed my cooking, Cop." Copter was laughing a little to that. "Of course I missed your cook Tae. Back in the day, I wasn't really got to eat your food frequently, but still I would be able to once a week, and of course, I would miss it. So, I hope your skill doesn't change."

Tae and Itthipat were laughing to that. "Of course, it changed. It was getting better indeed." It was Itthipat who answered that. "Cop, don't you want to introduce your son to us? He must be five this year, right?" hearing Itthipat, Copter was patting on his forehead. Silly him.

"Sorry, sorry, it slipped off my mind. Buddy, these two gentlemen were my friends. That is uncle Tae, and that is uncle Itthipat. Tell them your name, buddy." Copter was pointing each of them, introducing to Kittee while Tae and Ithhipat were waving to him while smiling.

Kittee was waving to the both of them before taking out small whiteboard and a marker from his bag and was writing on it. "Hi, uncle Tae, and uncle Itthipat. My name is Kittee. I can't talk, but I can hear you." And was showing the whiteboard to Tae and Itthipat. Itthipat and Tae were shocked was understatement. They never thought things would turn out this way, while Copter would just smile watching his son.

Itthipat was trying his hard not to cry and he was fighting the needs to go and hugs the boy right away. Tae was holding Itthipat's hand under the table, knowing he could be sensitive seeing Kittee. But to cry openly in front of Kittee would be inappropriate, so, he was trying to calm his boyfriend down with a little gesture, before saying, "Nice to meet you, Kittee. Uncle had cooked for you a few menus, I hope you enjoy eating it, okay. Let's start eating."

"He was born premature and had to be inside incubator for a while before he could breathe on his own. Later, we get to know there's an anomaly in his brain. It was his brain, so we couldn't do anything about it. 5 years past so fast, he is going to start school next year." Copter said making Tae stopped on his intention to start eating.

Itthipat keeps on his glassy eyes before he was taking a fried chicken. "Kittee, you like fried chicken, right?" Kittee was nodding his head smiling excitedly. "Then, eat more, okay." Copter and Tae then smile while they were all started eating and enjoying the meal for the night.


"What is it that you wanted to discuss with me? Do you want to claim your position again?" James Jaruji was questioning Tee right away, when his youngest son request to see him earlier that day. Tee was just looking at his father's with his straight face with no emotions. He couldn't really sleep, nor really talk if it's not because of work after that day.

He has dark hollow eyes, with no expression. "I want to resign. You'll allow it, will you?" James was sighing hearing Tee. He knew he wasn't fair from the beginning, but he couldn't help but to treasure the eldest son, the son from his wife, his beloved wife.

Warunya wasn't literally his mistress, since to him, she was a mistake he cannot avoid since she was pregnant with his son. The love of his life was only his late wife, Joss's mother. At least that was what he thought from the beginning until a while ago, a mistake. He got to know things by accident, when he met Tee's mother's ex-boyfriend.

"Resign? Why? Is this your way of rebel against me? I told......" Tee cut his father before he keeps on talking gibberish, according to his fibrous mind right now. He was too tired, so all he wants is that this is all over with. He needs a break, and being here in this house suffocating him more and more everyday.

"P'Joss already here, isn't he? You want me to replace him because of the accident. And, P'Joss doesn't have any problem marrying Bas now, I guess, and it is time for him to focus on the company. I'll be leaving the house too, soon. Thank you for everything, dad." Tee was getting up right away, bow his head a bit and getting out of the room without giving his father a way to retort back.

James was sighing. Joss was too wild, and he knew it was his fault for too much giving in to that guy. Truthfully, he still needs Tee since the new business wasn't really stable enough. Granted, Tee had applied a few big project, but still he hope Tee will stay helping him.

He don't really have any idea what had happened in that boy's life, but when he heard his PA was telling him about his argument with his mother, he knew Warunya had done something to the boy that force him to come back home. Since he came back home, he rarely sees Tee smile, despite, naturally, the boy had a bright personality, no matter how he and Joss treated him. Even he was force to give his position of Assistant CEO to Joss too, that boy weren't even denied or fights, or even questioned him, pushing him aside. Still, he focused on his work just as usual.

Warunya doesn't seem to get the respect she expects when she married him, since everyone knew her once a mistress. So, of course he knows why she was trying hard for Tee to work in higher position in the company. He just didn't know how far Warunya willing to go for that.

End of Chapter 29

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