Chapter 9

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"No, he was not craving anything, just hungry. He would eat whatever I gave him." Elena was interviewed Tee on Copter's conditions and demand. Copter was sleeping after he was having a big breakfast when Elena had called Tee and ask him about Copter.

"It was great then. But still, you have to make sure he would have proper meals. I don't want him to eat junk foods or canned drinks. It wasn't healthy for the baby, and he wasn't at that stable stage yet. We still need to be very careful with his baby."

Tee was nodding to that. "What about your work?" Elena was asking, changing the topic. "I quit. I just want to focus on Copter. I have a little saving for us after he was giving birth. I think I need to start planning on our life after he was giving birth. And, I think I wasn't had a proper thanks to you, so, thank you doctor for taking care of Copter all this times. I really appreciate every little thing you do for him."

"I really hate you, you know. Every time I had to see how hard it was for Copter, I wish you was here since it takes two to make a pregnancy possible, but why did he had to suffer alone? I still hate you, Tee, so I hope you will not disappoint me again, Tee." Elena honest confession was taking Tee off-guard a little, though he could understand. Elena was the sole witness of Copter's suffering. He promised himself to never let Copter suffer again, since that sweet guy deserved all the good things in the world.


"Baby, what are you doing? Are you alone? Where's Elena?" Copter who was walking back and fro in the living room was rolling his eyes hearing the string of questions from Tee who was just arrived from somewhere he wouldn't know. He still answered it by the way.

"I was just walking a little bit so my womb and my baby can get stronger. Elena was doing grocery shopping, and yes, I'm alone. Where are you coming from?" Copter was waking up late in the morning only to find his boyfriend was nowhere around inside the house, when Elena who was just waiting for him to wakes up before she could go out, told him, that Tee was going to settle some things. Things he didn't know, and Tee never mention anything about it.

Tee was taking a seat at the couch while looking up at Copter. "Enough of walking, you have to rest. Come." Tee was stretching his hand so that Copter would take it, and Copter would do just that even though he was pouting and taking the seat beside Tee, leaning on him, when Tee was pulling him. "I can still walk for some more."

Seeing his cute pout face of his boyfriend, Tee would be smiling so wide thinking how cute and adorable Copter is, something he wouldn't realize all these years. He always knows that Copter is handsome, quite a few girls and even boys are approaching him but he would always reject them for the reason he didn't know. All he thought just maybe, his best friend wanted to focus on his study, but was really regretted when he knew Copter was already in love with him all these times. If only he would realize his own feelings sooner. Sigh.

Once Copter was seating beside him, Tee would kiss Copter's upper forehead, just below his hair and he could see a tint of red forming on Copter's cheeks which he never thought Copter could be any cuter, but a blushing Copter prove him wrong.

"Where are you from?" Copter was asking him again when he couldn't get the answer the first time taking Tee out from his trance of thoughts.

"I was going back to the factory, meeting P'Tam and emptying our room." Copter was looking up to Tee beside him with a question look.

"Officially, I quit my job at the factory today. I wanted to take care of you fully from now on. And, I meet our friends. I told them everything about us." To that, Tee could tell that Copter body got stiffen and was shuddering to the thought that their friends knew about his conditions, thinking that they would hate him, just like Copter thought about him.

Tee would rub both Copter's arm up and down trying to calm him down. "Hey, relax baby. Relax. They were cool about you pregnant and stuff, Itthipat even jealous with the facts that he wished he could be pregnant just like you, so he can give Tae a child. They will come and visit you later, okay. So don't worry too much, okay, baby?"

Copter was slowly calming down and was looking straight at Tee's eyes, trying to find if there were any doubts in Tee's statement which he couldn't find any. "Really? They won't think I'm a freak? They won't hate me for being different?" Tee was smiling fondly at him. "Yes, baby. They wished they could be there with you when you found out all about this, that just like me, they were feel bad about it. You must have been feeling alone and lonely."

Copter then taking Tee's hands in his hold and was smiling to Tee. "Yes, I felt alone and lonely, I was hurt emotionally and physically that some times it was too much for me to bear, but more than that, I was afraid more you and the others will hate me that I was afraid I will lose all of you as a friend, and even more afraid of losing you, when I thought I already losing you. When I heard about you from Elena, I was so excitedly in seeing you again after everything, but thinking there was always possibility you hating me, disgusted with me, was more than the nightmare of everything I had to go through. Everything else felt bearable, no matter how hard it was, thinking that, at least, at that time, you wouldn't hate me.

But now, in the end, it doesn't even matter, when you are here with me, saying you love me that I wish more than anything in the world which I thought was impossible for me. You were always talking about Bas in every single thing, how could I think I will ever have a chance with you? But then again, now you are here with me, and it's all I ever wanted. Please, don't talk about the past again."

Tee was nodding his head, and he didn't even realize he was shedding tears when Copter had wiped it, only then he knew he was crying. Copter was right. Even he was in Copter's place, hearing the person you love talking about someone else, had torturous enough, that could bleed your heart over and over again. Why was he so blind before?

"Say, when are they coming here to visit? I actually missed them." Copter then was pouting making Tee smile again, and couldn't restrain from pinching his nose. 'Why are you so cute, Cop?'

"Next Monday. Everyone was taking an off day on that day."

End of Chapter 9

LOVE IS ALL I HAVEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora