Chapter 10

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"Where is Copter?" Kimmon would ask once they were settled on the couch in the living room of Elena's apartment. Hearing their friends were coming for a visit, Elena has suggested a picnic at the beach, so that Copter could have some breather instead of caught up inside the apartment all the time. He was already five months and his stomach already showing. However, the size wasn't that big, and wearing a big sweater could hide the stomach all right. He was stable enough to be walking outside for a breather, but since he was scared people would be looking at him weirdly, Copter was never agreed to go out even just for a while, no matter how Elena and Tee were coaxing him into it.

"In the room. Elena was taking his vital and routine checking for her records. Once they finished, we'll be on our way right away. And please just act as usual with him, he was really afraid you guys will hate him, you know, with his conditions. He thought we will think he was a freak." Tee was answering Kimmon while looking at the three of them alternately.

"That's the reason why he left without a word. I can understand him though, if it ever happened to me, I would be happy first, but I might still thinking that Tae would be hard to accept the idea." Itthipat had answering him. "Hey, I might be shocked, but I will never call you freak, or be ashamed of you, no matter what, okay?" Tae was pulling Itthipat closer by his shoulder making tthipat smiling. He knew Tae would be accepting him, but in a way, he will still has doubts, so he really understands Copter's stand in this. It wasn't easy. Seriously.

"Hi, guys." Hearing the familiar voice, all of them was turning to Copter who was just standing behind the couch they were seating on. Tee was standing and was coming closer to Copter, hugging him from the side, dragging him closer to their friends when all of them already standing up and Itthipat was the first pulling Copter into his arms. Still he was being careful not to hug the guy strongly.

"Do you know how worried we were? Don't ever do that again." Itthipat was saying once he break the hugs. "We are your friends, Copter, remember that, always." It was Kimmon. "We will never treat you indifferent, no matter what. You can trust us." Tae was the one continue.

Copter was smiling, and touched, that he can't control his tears from falling. He thought he will lose them forever, and that he could never faced them with the fact that he can pregnant even though he was a guy. But he guesses that's how magical his baby is. His one-sided love for five years had been answered and was no longer one-sided, and now, Tee was beside him smiling and was taking care of him so much. It was much much sweeter than he ever imagined Tee could be.

And now, his friends were proven they were true friends when they were really caring about him regardless of his situation. He felt he was the most fortunate guy in the world, with love by his side and true friends around him. Not to mention, how Elena was sincerely taking care of him, despite being a stranger, even though he was just a research subject.

"What are we waiting for?" Elena's voice was taking Copter out from his trance and all of them would turn to her smiing. "Let's go, guys." Elena just proceed to the door while bringing basket full of foods she was preparing early in the morning, which Kimmon had walking faster ahead and taking the basket from Elena, which she was gladly let Kimmon taking it from her hold. Truthfully, it was really heavy.

They were settling on an area, at the dim place under the tree not far from the beach, which all the foods lying in front of them. They were having their late breakfast while talking, bantering and laughing, which Elena could adapt very well despite of age different, just a few years older.

Not long after that, Copter was left with Elena, which Tae was so eager to be in the beach, after so long, dragging Itthipat with him, while Kimmon and Tee would joined right after. They were all just wearing a swimming trunk, including Tee, much to Copter's protest, but he wouldn't tell it to Tee, for a reason he wasn't sure why.

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