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Chapter 29. You even added ramen.

Editor: Cherish

Kang Yu was looking around.

The Hwaran Squad was led by the attention-grabbing Baek Hwa Yeon, who wasn’t an ordinary Player.

It was very likely that they noticed Kang Yu jumping over the fence while using his Power.

— We won’t do a long inspection, so don’t worry. We just want to make sure that there are no wanted people among you.

Baek Hwa Yeon spoke in a composed manner, and the squad understood her orders with one glance.

They nodded politely to her and headed towards the Players.

‘I don’t think they noticed.’ Kang Yu, who had expected to get caught, sighed in relief.

It’s good if they didn’t notice anything.

‘Anyway, they’re looking for team killers.’ Of course, he immediately thought of the Andras guild, the followers of demons who were sacrificing people. ‘Did they do anything else?’

So far, it wasn’t clear.

But carrying out their rituals using human sacrifices would have attracted public attention sooner or later.

— Would you show me your ID, please?

Baek Hwa Yeon, helping her subordinates, also joined the ID check.

She walked up to Kang Yu with a light smile, and extended her hand.

‘Girl who looks like a guy.’

Kang Yu gave her his ID and said:

— You must be very dutiful to be helping out yourself.

— Making your subordinates do all the work can’t earn credibility.

— It’s worthy of respect.

Kang Yu started conversation in a relaxed manner.

— Have there been many cases of Teamkilling lately?

— Yes. That’s why we’re conducting this inspection.

— It’s enough to catch monsters, but killing people for money is a terrible thing.

— That’s right. — Kang Yu noticed that his words seemed to make her feel a little less guarded.

‘Except that’s a lie.’ She didn’t react that way because there are so many Team Killers, but because they don’t kill people for profit. ‘They know that they’re not killing for money.’

PLAYER WHO RETURNED HOME 10,OOO YEARS LATERWhere stories live. Discover now