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Chapter 10. The Magi Project (Part 2)

Editor: Cherish

— We’re looking for support! Only those whose level is above D rank are accepted!

— Tank? No tank?

— I’m a robber.

— Oh, sorry, stay back.

The E level Gate was near Seoul.

A huge number of people gathered around the gate in the turmoil, searching for a party.

‘What’s wrong with robbers?’ Kang Yu had heard this kind of conversation before, so he thought about it.

But it seems that everyone has a certain order to collect party members.

‘Well, I don’t care.’ He, as someone who was going to hunt on his own, didn’t give a damn about chattering around.

Kang Yu gave the employee his just received Player ID.

— It’s been confirmed. —

There was another person in uniform. It seemed to him that they would check his ID again, so he gave it.

Kang Yu thought that the remnants of the Power of Illusion from last time might still act on the man, and if he just showed him his hand, he would still miss it. So when he showed his ID, he just moved on.

The surrounding air trembled.

‘I don’t like this feeling.’ Every time, it reminded him of the feeling of throwing himself in Hell’s Nine Thousandth Circle.

When Kang Yu entered the Gate, the first thing he wanted to do was go into the forest to hunt monsters.

— Sir, are you alone? — There was a kind voice addressing Kang Yu.

He turned towards the source of the sound and saw the shield that was hiding the young man and apparently his flock.

He was over two meters tall and his body was made up of cubes.

‘Bear or something?’ It was definitely a human, but he looked like a predatory animal.

— Yes, I am.

— Are you going hunting alone?

Kang Yu nodded lightly.

The guy spat and continued:

— You’re advancing to the second rank?

— I’m not.

— It seems like you haven’t gone through basic training either. Do you have rank F? If so, it’s better not hunting on your own. Even though goblins are small, and they look flimsy, they’re monsters, — he said with anxiety in his voice.

— If you can’t find a party, you can join us for a while to see what these monsters look like.

— Hey, Dae Su! Let him figure it out for himself!

— That’s right, Dae Su! If he’s at level F, he won’t do us any good. Let him go.

— No! Get into your position, — the guy shouted rudely.

In this party he obviously had power; all at once everyone quieted down and each of them trembled.

— It’ll save your life. We share everything equally, so don’t worry about the stones. Join us.

— Just don’t let him get in the way…

All of Dae Su’s party members clicked their tongue together when they heard the phrase that they would have to share the stones with him.

PLAYER WHO RETURNED HOME 10,OOO YEARS LATERWhere stories live. Discover now