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Chapter 6. The Anger of a Demon (Part 1)

Editor: Cherish

The house was a little over 20 pyeong.

The young man with a large appetite was gulping down the dish prepared for him so loudly so that the sound of his munching could be heard all over the house.

— I suppose… You are very hungry? — Han Sol looked at the insatiable guy and hesitantly smiled.

You could say she was a bit discouraged by his display of greediness.

Kang Yu wasn’t paying attention to the girl’s rouge face, he was only focused on the food.

— It’s delicious, — he said, as he placed a rather thick piece of meat on a spoonful of white rice and dipped it in soup, then put a kimchi leaf on top with sticks. Then he opened his mouth and swallowed it all at once with a spoon in his mouth. At the same time, he felt dizzy with joy and his vision was blurred.

— Damn delicious. —  He savoured the flavours that he hadn’t tasted for ten thousand years with every cell of his body.

He was as excited as he was when he first met Han Sol.

— Oh… — His excitement was replaced by pleasure.

The agony of the last ten thousand years appeared in his head as a huge panorama.

— Damn, it’s so delicious, — Kang Yu cried like a small child, emptying the pot of kimchi.

Actually, he didn’t need ‘food.’ After his body had absorbed Magi, his bodily functions had become like a demon’s.

Because of the Magi’s movement in their bodies, demons didn’t need food.

‘Poor guys.’ Kang Yu, who was now enjoying himself with a delicious meal, felt pity for demons.

Because there was still a human element left in the guy, even though he didn’t need food, he could taste it. To be more precise, the demons could also distinguish between the tastes, but they were distorted and did not bring them any pleasure.

— Is it that good? — Han Sol asked, looking at the sobbing man devouring the kimchi jjigae.

She was confident in her cooking skills.

Because ever since she was a little girl, she often did her own housework.

And the kimchi jjigae she had just cooked was made with a few secrets she had learned from years of experience.


The food she cooked wasn’t so delicious that someone would cry.

— It was very, very tasty. — Kang Yu feverishly nodded several times to confirm it.

— I’m glad you liked it so much. — She smiled, satisfied.

Although it was unusual to see a guy crying over food, especially since it was an everyday meal, it certainly didn’t upset her.

This was undeniable proof that her kimchi jjigae was excellent.

‘Thank God.’ She’d been worried that she had nothing to offer her savior besides food, but looking at his reaction, the guilt started to dissipate.

She felt his kindness and felt even more warm feelings towards the young man.

‘What am I thinking about….’ It was far from a situation to think about developing relationships.

She thought about the conditions she was living in and took a deep breath.

— Ah… — Kang Yu looked at the empty pot with a sad look. — It wasn’t enough… –

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