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French will be cursive

Jasmine's POV

I play it cool. I don't show my anger in front of our clients, or patients, not sure what they are. One thing my mother taught me was to "never wash your dirty clothes in public". I think I can wait until we get inside our room to rip his head off. Yeah, I can wait 5 minutes. Can't I?
But I can't seem to hide my shock. Jimin and Solar? When did this happen? Jimin is not the type of guy to have one night stands. No sir! He falls and hard. He even had a crush on Hwasa for almost a year, but never made a move because he thought he would get rejected and that would really ruin their friendship, heck, our friendship! All of this must have a good explanation!
We say our goodbyes and good nights to Taehyung and Solar.

"How could you do this to me, Jimin?" I shove him into the empty hallway leading towards our room. Guess I was wrong. I couldn't wait. "You knew I needed alone time, I needed to escape from work... and yet you brought Taehyung and your little f*ck buddy along on what was supposed to be OUR trip!" Did I just swear at him? That's the white wine talking.
He looks scared, as he should be!

"Listen, J... it's not what you think..." he starts shyly.

"No? It isn't what I think? Then, please, enlighten me Jimin! What is it? Weren't you the one who told them about our plans? HUH?How did he know I was going to be in Tolouse? Huh?"

"It's more complicated than that.. I did tell them but ..."

"You know what Jimin? This little stunt you just pulled... it really upset me! I am so angry with you right now... but most of all... I feel disappointed. Evidently a good f*ck is more important to you than my privacy or our friendship."

I turn away from him in search of my bag. I start packing. He gently grabs my arm and turns me to him.

"I like her." He says to me, his eyes on the carpet.

He likes her? But when did he had the time to know her? Am I missing something here?

"But... how?" He relaxes his grip on me when he hears my normal voice.

"I met her that day ... at the auction." He continues. "And... we just.. I don't know... clicked, I guess."

I watch him surprised as he turns the frown he had one a moment ago into a massive grin. He really, really likes her. When he noticed than I'm speechless, he continues.

"Actually, we've been on a few dates since then... so.."

"Wow!!!! You really do like her? Don't you?"

"I do" he blushes on me the little mochi "so I would appreciate it if you didn't call her a f*ck buddy or anything like that, ok?"

"Sorry, But that was before I knew you liked her..."

"It's ok!"

"But I still don't understand why didn't you tell me sooner. I would've been cool with it, you know that."

"She wanted to keep us a secret until we figured some things out...until we knew where we were heading."

"Can I know where is this heading now?"

"Well, I've just asked her to be my girlfriend like 20 minutes ago, hence the make out session you witnessed."

"Girlfriend? Are you serious? That's great, Jimin! I'm so happy for you! You really should have told me... I'm your best friend! Look at me! I can't even stay mad at you for more than 2 minutes!"

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