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Author's POV

After Hwasa convinced Jasmine to talk to Taehyung, they were both heading towards the main building to meet up.

Although J was a little nervous after hearing about Taehyungs social status, she wasn't scared. She had her share of dealing with rich people and their fixations, so almost nothing would surprise her. But she was intrigued, she wasn't denying that. She wanted to find out why this guy was "obsessed " with meeting her so badly. Why go through all this trouble?

During the short walk between buildings, hundreds of thoughts were crossing her mind. She wasn't going to let herself be swayed by his charms. She figured he must be very charming if he got even Hwasa to do what he wanted. But Hwasa wasn't a psychiatrist. Yes, she was smart, bold and experienced but she didn't read people the way Jasmine did. That's why, J wasn't worried about the outcome of this meeting. She trusted herself as much as she feared herself.

Why did she feared herself?
Everyone knew that the reason for Jasmine's  time off work as a doctor was because she hasn't gotten over her husband's death, but that was just part of it. He had passed away for two whole years now and she accepted that. At least she thought she did. She had come to a place of peace, acceptance and ... happiness. She had her little family that always cared for her and loved her unconditionally. So during the day she was happy. But during the night, fear creeped into her heart. She would have nightmares; not every night but definitely often. Nightmares about him... him dying.

The thing people didn't know was that Namjoons death wasn't normal. It was the kind of the death that is scarier than being murdered. Suicide.

Yes, the man with the perfect life, perfect wife... damn even the perfect smile, the mighty Kim Namjoon killed himself.  He didn't give her any signs of unhappiness or depression. He just went ahead and ... did it. They were only married for 4 months before this happened.

That's why J always blamed herself at the back of her mind. "Why didn't you ask him more questions?Aren't you a f*ucking psychiatrist? Pathetic. You could've saved him, if only you paid more attention to him. " but she did paid attention to him. She was so in love with him that he was all that she thought about. She even left her home behind just to move here with him. Why was he depressed?

These kind of unanswered questions were what made Jasmine dreams become a prison. A prison of her own thoughts. She wasn't able to voice any of her feelings to anyone that's why her mind consumed her at night. She tried to diagnose herself and act strong. But one night she even dreamed that she killed Namjoon. She was pointing a gun at the man she loved with all her heart. That was too messed up. But she was too ashamed to seek help elsewhere so she put on an act and took a bunch of pills before going to bed.
That and painting. She usually transfers her nightmares on canvas, and she keeps them well hidden. Only the good and sweet ones get to see the light of day.

That's why she fears herself. If she couldn't even sense that something was wrong with her own husband, how could she treat others. So instead, she just listens to people's stories and .... paints. It may sound stupid and not at all professional but people do get some sort of relief after seeing the "diagnosis" . This made her go further on this path.

But she couldn't even begin to explain that to the great Kim Taehyung. She was sure he was going to make a mockery of her technique because rich people only talk numbers. And in numbers... this was absurd. But nevertheless, she accepted to hear him out and was planning to decline politely.

That was until they entered the room where he was waiting. And until she met his eyes. She immediately recognised the feeling they carried. Pain, hurt, desperation was what she read. And she reads people perfectly, every time.

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