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Taehyung's PoV

"Are you... nervous, sir? I mean, Taehyung?" Solar teases me from the across the table.

Back in Paris now, I've woken up to a simple text from her. Jasmine invited me over. Just like that. No other details. We haven't spoken much since our last encounter.

I'm having lunch with Solar right now, in one of the most famous restaurants in the city, discussing the possibility of extending our business overseas, but I can't seem to focus on anything. I keep replaying the recent events in my mind, especially our time... alone.

"No! Of course not."

She gives me a doubting look.

"Fine! ... I'm nervous..." I come clean.

"Uuuhh!" She squeals. "I never thought I'd live the day to see Kim Taehyung nervous! It feels... good, actually. You seem more... human now!" She jokes.

"And I never thought I'd live the day to hear you having intercourse against the wall." I spit back and she lowers her gaze. "But... I'm happy for you." She looks at me again, a bright smile decorating her face.

"Thank you... Tae." She places her hand on mine, squeezing my fingers a little.  She's never done that before. If Solar's starting to show affection then maybe Jimin is not that bad for her after all. "And... intercourse? Really? You can call it se.."

"Seafood pasta?" The waitress interrupts.

"Yes, thank you!" Solar happily receives her meal.

"And ... beouf bourguignom for the gentleman. Enjoy!" She says before taking her leave.

"You don't have to be nervous Taehyung." She continues.

"I'm going to her house without an official appointment. She invited me as a person, not a as a patient, Solar! Do you understand what that means?"

"Yeah, of course. It means ... she's officially letting you into her life. But you have been to her house before and you two seemed very friendly in Toulouse, so why the nerves?"

She's right. She's always right. That's why she's my best friend. She just doesn't know it.

"I guess I'm overthinking things a bit. This should be fine. I mean... she basically knows everything about me and I also learned some of her deep ... thoughts." I say avoiding the word secrets, in order not to raise Solar's curiosity. "We're just going to spend some time together. That's all. Just dinner."

"See? You have nothing to worry about. If it makes you feel any better, Jimin just told me Jasmine seemed very happy this morning."

"Are you kidding? And you're just telling me this now? You should've started with that. Of course it helps. A lot!" I trail without thinking much.

Solar just chuckles while turning her attention to her meal.

So Jasmine seemed happy? I guess our little night together had an effect on her as well. That's very valuable information.

"Tae?" Solar calls my name while bursting into laughter.

"Mm? What?"

"Nothing. You're just smiling like a crazy person." She laughs away, not even caring about the half chewed food in her mouth. "It's a good thing!" She assures.

"Sure it is." I try to ignore her words because I feel embarrassed. I did react like a teenager and that makes me feel weird.

She gives me a fond smile. "I'm happy for you too."

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