"Stop! I swear to heavens Tay Tawan if you do something to New, I'm gonna kill you with my bare hands!"

"Oooohhh. I'm scared. Remember, I'm his boyfriend. You even acknowledged that fact earlier. I have to end this call. New's calling me. He wants me to scrub his...lower back."


Tay let out a laugh as he abruptly ended the call, not even letting Earth finish his statement. 

He was rolling on the bed laughing when New went out the bathroom.

"Are you possessed or what?" 

New asked him with a judging look on his face. 

"Nah. I'm just happy," Tay replied as he surveyed New's body. 

"Are you trying to seduce me by going out of the bathroom with only a towel? Because if you ask me, your plan's starting to work."

"A-are you crazy! I don't have anything to wear. Let me borrow some clothes for work."

Tay went down the bed and dragged New to his dresser. He grabbed a pink button down shirt and a black pants. 

"Here. You can wear this," he said as he handed New the clothes.


"Why? You look good in pink though. I have unused underwear on the topmost drawer. You can get whichever you like... Orrr. You can get my already used one."

"You're out of your mind! Why would I use yours?!"

"Get dressed. I'll just take a shower," he said and lightly tapped New's cheeks. 


Countless times. Countless time did New check his neck on the mirror. The bruise on his neck was still evident and the cut on his lips, the one Tay bit, was obviously red.

"Are you trying to break the mirror or what?" 

New looked over at Tay who was currently buttoning his blue button down shirt. 

"Do you have a turtleneck or something that can cover my neck?"


"Can you not ask stupid questions? Look!" he exclaimed and showed Tay the visible mark on his neck. 

"Why? I don't see anything bad about it. I even think it's beautiful. Come on. We'll be late. We still have to grab breakfast." 

New could only sigh in surrender as Tay grabbed his wrist and dragged him towards the door. 


"What do you want to eat?"

Tay asked him as they approached the counter of the fast food restaurant. 

"Just order anything," he replied as he covered his neck with his hand as the person in the next line was looking at his neck. 

They settled down on a table by the glass window. 

"How much do I owe you?" he asked as he started munching on the food Tay ordered. 

"Uhhmm, considering the amount of food I ordered, you owe me... two hours of endless French kiss."

New coughed as he choked on his food.

"You're crazy!" he exclaimed as he grabbed the glass of water in front of him. 

"What? Don't you know that kissing is considered an exercise? But if you want more sweaty activities, well, we can always talk about it."

Tay's laughter reverberated in the area as New threw him a piece of fries. 

A Kiss is still a KissWhere stories live. Discover now