Trente-deux 🥀

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When trust is broken, sorry means nothing 🥀

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When trust is broken, sorry
means nothing

It all felt like a really bad dream, but opening his eyes the next morning, realizing he was in the hold of his friend brought him back to yesterday's events, once again so thankful he had met IU, that was there the entire evening, helping him to calm down and rest properly.

She was still sleeping, so he carefully took her arms off his waist and sat down, looking at her peaceful expression, he carefully moved a strand of hair from her face and fell deep into his thoughts.

It wasn't fair;

Why was he to consider their feelings when they didn't think about his even for one bit?

It took Mrs. Kim a couple weeks to finally teach him to prioritize himself, and it was time to see the results; he scolded himself for feeling guilty, as there was nothing to feel guilty about, he wasn't an object for them to touch and use whenever they wanted, he was a person, with feelings and a boyfriend , they are the ones to blame, not him.

He shouldn't feel bad for the way they felt, it wasn't his problem; he was taken, they were stupid enough to develop feelings and let them prosper. He had never gave them a reason to assume they had a chance with him or that he was interested, they fantasized all of this, and it's not his place to solve it.

Yes, they apologized yesterday, they explained a lot of things and made a few points, but none of this mattered. Of course he forgave them, he forgave them long ago, but it didn't cancel the fear, distress and uncomfortableness he felt around them, and he was now sure that he is not obligated to fix it.

He glanced at the clock, noting that his session is soon, and right after it is the visiting hour.

He fell into his thoughts again, this time positive thoughts; he was eager to go to the new house. Namjoon had showed him pictures of it and they discussed a lot of furniture pieces, but he wanted all of this in person, wanted to see the street, the rooms, the backyard... the dimpled smile on his lover's face when they would finally be alone...

IU stirred in her sleep, grabbing Yoongi's attention. He looked at her for awhile, noticing how much healthier she got since they met, her cheeks even seem a bit chubby, blossoming with a healthy blush, can't help but smile, knowing she would soon be dismissed home, back to her friends and family, back to normal life. He would of course miss her, but he wanted the best for her, and going back to normal was what they both wanted.

-Stop staring -she mumbles, partly awake, making him giggle.

-You're pretty -he compliments, knowing her need for reassurance as her body image was still not that stable.

-Aren't you gay? -she teases, rubbing her eyes after the restful sleep, making Yoongi scoff and shove a pillow into her face, causing her to burst into an airy laughter, throwing the pillow back at him.

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