Dix huit🥀

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What an awful day this has been🥀

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What an awful day
this has been

Yoongi prayed with all of his heart, that the boys are at work, or at least sleeping, however, either his pray was unheard or ignored, the result was the same-they weren't sleeping.

Namjoon has already left, just like Taehyung and Jin, he didn't know about Jungkook, as he didn't see him anywhere near by, but Hoseok and Jimin were both at the living room, working on their laptops, from time to time exchanging a couple words about whatnot.

Yoongi tried his best to be as silent as possible and maybe go unnoticed, as they didn't seem to notice his returning, taking his shoes off , tightening his grip on the backpack handle, teeth gritted, knuckles ghostly white from the concentration, as he starts tiptoeing towards the staircase, he was almost there, his fingers already brushing the wooden stair-railing, hope warming his chest like a small bonfire when suddenly-

-Yoongi? -he felt his inside going cold, visibly shrinking at the sound of his name being called, the concentration vanishes and his muscles go limp as he turns around to face them with a fake smile.

-Hyung? -he asks innocently.

-Why are you tiptoeing? -Hoseok sounds concerned.

-Why didn't you greet us? -Jimin over-exaggeratingly pouts and tilts his head sideways in an offended manner.

-I just didn't want to bother you guys, you seemed so concentrated on your work -he shrugs, surprised by how fast he came up with the excuse, however he quickly remembers, that he had years of practice... wait, his relationships are nothing like what they have here, right? They are family, right?

-You are so considerate -they coo, and Yoongi thought everything was over and he could head to his room, have a shower and maybe go to the record shop to try and build some furniture in the studio by himself, as he wasn't patient enough to wait for the worker who supposed to do that, and he also would really rather not being at home for awhile, however, the boys didn't think they were done.

-How was it? What did you guys do? -Hoseok questioned, reminding Yoongi in someway his mother, who always used to 'investigate' all his outside of home 'activities', which made him immediately feel uncomfortable and unsafe, as if the punishment is not far to come.

-It was... great -he summed it up, not wanting to get into details, his impatience was visible, however it didn't seem to bother the older ones.

-What did you guys do? -Hoseok questions again, Yoongi starts fiddling with his fingers in frustration, should he tell him they were drinking? Will they react badly? Is he allowed to drink?.... hold up, Yoongi stopped his train of thoughts, we've been through this, he is a grown man, who does whatever he considers the right thing, they might not like him drinking, but it's their problem.

-We talked, ate and drank -he says with the confidence that suddenly came out of nowhere in particular, his words making the boys share a look.

-Yoongi, you shouldn't be drinking, you're too young, your body might react badly to alcohol -Jimin says with concern in his voice, his words making Yoongi roll his eyes.

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