𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 19

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I stood in an empty room with a mirror calling for me. Probably out of curiosity, I hesitantly walk to the mirror and stand before it. I expect my reflection but instead, I find a girl with blue hair and an intense stare gazing back at me. Her features are exactly like mine, except she seemed more mature and calm.

Her brown eyes shone like a thousand stars and I could see determination, hope and…love in them. A perfect picture of who my grandfather wanted me to be.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and lift my left hand; she also does the same. I turn my head to look at my lifted hand and she also mirrored what I did.

“Chloe!” I turned back to the mirror to find my reflection scowling at me. “We don’t have time for this.”

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I am you, but I am well known as Eirene. Everything will be revealed to you when the time comes, but for now, we must be going.” She turned her back on me and began to walk away.

“Where are we going?”

She offered me a smile over her shoulder. “To see an old friend.”

Slowly and tentatively, I reach for the mirror, and almost immediately, my hand went through like a spear passing through water. I close my eyes and follow my hand, allowing my body to be pulled into the mirror.

When I open my eyes, I see my grandfather before me with a smile on his face. “Grandpa…”

“Chloe. I don’t have much time to chat. I have seen the way you run from scary experiences and your destiny. That is not who I raised you to be. Your destiny is to become a leader, Chloe. The boy, Henry, you love him, yes?”

“I do,” I replied without hesitation. “But I am scared, grandpa. I’m scared of what may happen in the future.”

My grandfather smiled tenderly and drew me to him for a hug. “That is what makes a true warrior. Your fear is what motivates you to become a better person. The question now is, are you going to let that fear control you, or are you going to get up on your feet and fight?”




“Chloe? Chloe!” A light tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality with a start. I blinked to focus my vision on Emma’s concerned face. “What’s wrong? You just zoned out.”

“Oh, sorry.” I tilted my head to relieve the tension in my neck. “I was just preoccupied with something on my mind. I’ll be focused now, I promise.”

“I get it. It’s because of that guy you’re dating, right?”

I chuckled and added some cream to the order I was making. “I guess you could say that.” I arranged the coffees and the doughnuts on a tray and placed them before the group of girls that ordered them. “Here you go. One vanilla latte, one cappuccino, one latte macchiato and your doughnuts,” I reeled off with a smile. “Enjoy.” I received a chorus of ‘thank yous’ before I made my way back to the counter.

“So,” Emma ripped out an order from a notepad and handed it to Seth, “Did you guys bang? How big was he? Was he this big?” she stretched her hands in front of her and widened it. “Or this?”

“Emma!” I shrieked in embarrassment. I saw the guy behind the counter waiting for a milkshake smile slightly. No doubt, he must have heard everything Emma had said.

“What? I just wanna know,” she shrugged. “Love is a wonderful and mysterious thing.” I rolled my eyes at her and carried another tray of coffee and a milkshake to a waiting couple. When I returned, she was bouncing on her feet with more burning questions. “Did he fit? If he was not as big as his muscles, he should have a neon sign stuck to his head flashing, ‘Fake Advertising’.”

Chosen By The Moon - First In The Red Wolf Series.Where stories live. Discover now