Chapter Thirty Five - I'm Awake

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"What's happened to Astrid.. What did you do?" Rebekah sounded confused and scared, she loved Astrid like a sister now and seeing her like this scared her two ways. One because of her brother and two because she didn't deserve to go out like this. "Ahh I see what's going on here" Rebekah smiled. "You died with vampire blood in your system and didn't feed" It sounded like Rebekah was taunting Elena. She was amused to be honest, Elena deserved this after everything that happened. 


Astrid's Desiccating body laid in a cell by herself, but no one could imagine the pain going on inside of her. She could feel it eating away at her, the love she wished that was still there gone for good. Rebekah watch Astrid as she twitched in her sleep, in a way she could sense what the girl was feeling and it broke her. 

"I'd say we've got three hours before we watch you die all over again" Rebekah smirked knowing this would gain a rise out of Elena. "My day just got a whole lot better" Rebekah chuckled. Elena struggled against the bars as she tried to break free, but it was no use for any of them. The more she fought the more she was dying. 

Stefan resorted to shouting eventually, he pulled against the bars as he taunted the guard on duty. "Do you think we're afraid of you?" He shouted hoping to gain the attention of the guard. The guard walked in looking all macho and angered by Stefan. 

"You want more Vervain.. keep it down?" the guard Seethed.

"Elena is going to die if you don't let her out.." Stefan begged, for the first time in a long time. But then again it was always about Elena, and nobody else. 

"Not. My. Problem..." The guard smiled. Then it all went out of hand, Stefan shouted and then shots went off. It all seemed to fade in and out, Stefan dropped to the ground and Elena shouted out in worry. 

Meanwhile Damon and Bonnie had the one and Only Klaus Mikaelson hiding in Tyler's body seething in anger wanting to be back in his own. 

"You don't understand Klaus.. I upset the spirits trying to save Elena. I can't use that Magic" Bonnie spoke. "It's too dangerous" But she knew all to well that if she didn't in her mind then not only was Jeramy loosing another person, so would Elena. But she also hated Klaus, so why would he do it. 

"Do the bloody spell" Klaus knew  the longer they waited, the more it was hurting Astrid and he couldn't help but feel the ache in his heart. 

"Klaus.. she said she can't I know you want to get  back into your body because of Astrid, we both know its hurting her okay.. Just calm down" Klaus looked back at Caroline as he face grew angrier and angrier. 

"I will not calm down.. Astrid could be hurt.. she could be dying!" You couldn't tell but there was a small tear dribbling down his cheek. He didn't like showing weakness, but for her she was his entire world. Not that he was used to sharing someone or even having someone. Everyone he seemed to care about would eventually leave him, or head leave them. 

"It's going to happen okay. Will just wait until Bonnie can do it with Traditional Magic. Right Bonnie?" Caroline looked at Bonnie hoping she would agree, but a gut feeling told Caroline otherwise. Bonnie stood there quietly, as for Klaus he had reached his breaking point. He ripped Tyler's shirt from his body and slowly retracted his claws reaching into Tylers chest. "What are you doing?" Caroline began to cry.

"What does it look like I'm doing.. hey. I'm ripping Tyler's heart out. I'll jump into someone else. Maybe I'll jump into you" He smiled. 

"Oh my god" Bonnie cried out. 

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