Chapter Twenty Eight - Everyone has arrived

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song - Survivor By 2WEI



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Bold italic = communication through the mind 

Italics = Sign language

Astrid's POV - Unedited. 

Klaus and I had made it back into the house when we both came face to face with Elena, Stefan, Caroline, Damon and Sage. It looked like a war zone if you asked me. Sage barged through the front door, whilst Stefan, Elena and Caroline stood frozen in fear by her and both Klaus and I stood together looking wildly at the lot. 

'what's happening?' I looked up at Klaus and he signalled for me to stay away from the fighting. 

"Just stay here okay.. I'll sort them out.. I've gotta go get something" Caroline spotted me and ran to my side. 

"Ahh your okay.. I'm so glad your okay.. I didn't know what to do or how to stop them. Elena and Stefan killed Finn, they thought killing him would kill everyone else but Bonnie unlinked them all just before they did it" my heart froze as I grabbed ahold of Caroline. I wanted to collapse. But at the same time I wanted to rip Elena's throat out. I thought we were on the same side. I thought she knew that killing Klaus would kill me. A single tear fell from my face as the anger raged on inside of me. I looked up to see Caroline thrown from mysids and she looked down at me with anger. 

"I'm not here for you either.." her strength knocked me against the wall and I fell to the floor clutching my stomach in pain. I looked up to see her knock Stefan off his feet as she beat him up. I knew she was out for revenge, who wouldn't be when somebody killed their lover. I looked up to see Elena looking over at me with sorrow filled eyes. I wanted to say I believed her the other day and should she get used to this. But there she went again trying to kill the Mikaelson family. I got up from the floor weakly to notice Sage started to suffocate on her own blood. As we all watched both her and a friend of her's collapsed on the floor desecrating. 

We all stood in silence as we looked down at the two bodies. I slapped my in the face in frustration. 

'This is exactly what would of happened if you killed the entire Mikaelson family. Do you not get I'm linked to Klaus Elena. For fuck sake'  I waved my hands in the air dramatically as Elena looked up at me watching me sign. Caroline walked over to me as she tried to comfort my uncontrollable tears coming from my eyes. I didn't want to say Elena wasn't my family anymore, but the more she tries to pull me back in and back stab me the more I cannot trust her. Caroline seemed to trust her less and less as well. 

"If you makes you feel any better I tried to stop them" Caroline whispered. I nodded appreciatively at her. 

'It's okay care I'll always trust you, you'll never let me down'  Caroline smiled backing away from me as she saw Klaus walk back into the room. Klaus has a vervain bullet gun he had gotten made not too long ago in his hands. But he didn't need it now, he looked down at the dead bodies with an expressionless face. 

"Well I missed the party did I" I looked up and found to notice Stefan had disappeared but Elena remained silent standing awkwardly as she looked at me. 

"Look I didn't mean anything by it Astrid, I just" I put my hand up at Elena in defeat of her nonsense. 

'I don't want to hear it. I want you out of my home you hear me, and If I catch a wiff  of you doing anything else you shouldn't be.. mark my word you don't want to see what I'm capable of Elena. Tonight you were selfish, you only thought about yourself.. focusing on killing people, when you should be protecting the people you love.. for instance myself, Jeremy all of your friends. From what I've gathered killing an original kills there entire sire line. Which would of killed Damon, Stefan and everything other vampire.. like your best friend Caroline. How can you act like this isn't a big deal.. your looking at me like you had to do this' Elenas face went from a sorrowful expression to a dark angered one. 

"I had to do it.. you don't realise this but the man you're in love with is a monster.. and his family is one to" Elena walked out leaving Caroline and I huddled together as Klaus stood a metre away looking down at something. 

"I'll be back I need to sort something out.. " without looking back up at me Klaus disappeared to were Damon was being held with Rebekah leaving both Caroline and myself alone. 

"I think I need a drink after that" Caroline sighed taking my arm in her grasp. "Wait!.. how are you human right now" I only smiled dragging Caroline along with me. 

'Long story.. let's just say the soulmate has it pro's and con's' Both Caroline and I made it into the kitchen and I offered her a choice of blood of bourbon. But tonight seemed like the bourbon sort of night. I poured us both a glass and she almost downed it straight away. I laughed taking a sip of mine as I sat down across form her. 

"This soulmate ordeal is getting weirder and weirder as the day's pass.." I laughed nodding in agreement.

'Tell me about it.. this is all just so over the place. My sister being one of them, I want to protect her and love her. But over the past month she's been just so difficult to work with. Especially controlling. Trying to send Jeremy away without asking or telling me.. I don't know how much more I can handle of all of this' Caroline nodded in agreement and we both clinked our glasses swallowing the rest of the bourbon.

I looked up to see Klaus walk in with an amused and solemn face at the same time. 

"That id my cue to leave.. don't get yourself killed in the time I don't see you" Caroline got up giving me a tight hug and left. She didn't even say goodbye to Klaus, but I'm not surprised she doesn't really like him.. but for me she'll tolerate him until the end. 

'I heard about your brother..'  Klaus came over and sat down next to me. 

"My brother was how do you say.. very controlling. He liked what he like and that was it, so when he ran after mummy dearest I knew he'd find the end soon after" I placed a hand on Klaus Shoulder he took my hand in his giving it a small squeeze. "Its been a long night my love.. why don't we go get some sleep.. you look like you need it" I hadn't realised but Klaus was right, I felt utterly exhausted but I was also afraid to fall asleep. "I know that look.. I'll be there if anything happens okay" I nodded nervously and the both of us headed on up to our room to sleep. 


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