Chapter Twenty Two - I'm just a phone call away.

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song - talk to much by Coin



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Bold italic = communication through the mind

Italics = Sign language 

Astrid's POV - Unedited. 

Klaus ended up going out for the rest of the day on business, so I ended up going home to pick out some clothes so I could stay at the Mikaelsons. I hoped that I didn't run into Elena, but knowing my luck anything was possible these days. As I was driving home I got a face time  call from Caroline. I parked out the front of my house and saw the shining face of Caroline greet my screen. 

"Ohh thank god how are you feeling?" I giggled at Caroline, she always was worried about everyone. 

"I'm fine.. thanks care. So how's everything there.." I'd known from a few texts that  unfortunately Bonnies mum was currently in transition. Apparently it was the only way to stop Esters spell. It made my heart brake knowing this was happening to Bonnie just after meeting her mother in the first place. Bonnie has always been there for me and we talk often but since this whole falling out with Elena it's been more silent than usual between the two of us. I believe its because she doesn't know what to think.. but she's also Elenas friend before myself so I understand if she didn't want to talk to me at the moment. 

"It's going okay.. I believe Bonnies mum is going to transition so I'm gonna stay and help.. But I got a text form Klaus so I wanted to check on you" My cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. 

'oh god what did he say' Caroline laughed at my embarrassment. 

"He didn't say much all he said was to check on you.. I'm guessing you'd tell me if something was wrong" inevitably I was worrying about a lot. Not only was the full moon coming up but also the problem with Ester and Elena. It's just all so overwhelming that I've forgotten to just sit and breathe for a second. 

'Everything Care.. it's just I don't know what to think. I trigged the curse so the full moon is coming up. Ester has somehow cursed my dreams...Then there's Elena, I hate that she hates me.. being Klaus soulmate is difficult. I  think I love him it's just what if my sister never talks to me again, what if Jeremy never talks to me again.. these are all possibilities. I don't want to loose everyone Care" Tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched Caroline through the screen. 

"Stop it.. you'll get through this I know you will. As for loosing people if you do then it doesn't matter because you have me, you have Bonnie you have Klaus and all his siblings. You even have Damon and Stefan even though Damon is a total asshole. If Elena doesn't like it then stuff her, she has to realise that life doesn't revolve around her." I rolled my eyes with a small smile. 

'ohh but she believes it does and I think she always will this is Elena were talking about' I stopped as I saw Bonnie walking up behind her. 

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