Chapter Twenty One - The nightmare.

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song - Monsters by Ruelle



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Bold italic = communication through the mind

Italics = Sign language

Astrid's Dream World. - Unedited.

 I awoke in my own dreams. The night sky a light with the full moon arise. I felt a siring pain run throughout my body as I looked at the moon and with ever crack I could hear the cackle of somebody watching me. Trying to take ahold of myself Looked up to see Ester staring down at me. 

"I told you not to get involved... I told you to stay away from my son. Now you'll pay the price." My eyes widened in fear as I looked at the shadowy figure behind her. The men that stood clearly in the for front of my nightmares walked up beside Ester with a shimmering smile plastered on his face. 

"Thank you fo inviting me here Ester.. It's good to see you again little one. I remember your cries fo help as if it was yesterday" Ester laughed at the man as they spoke in hushed voice back and forth. My bones continued to break  but I didn't seem to be changing. 

"Hehe you like what I've done. Your bones will continue to break as I please.. Maybe now you'll e think ever going against my word. As for my other parting gift.. expect to see Lewis in your dreams from now on and remember what happens here happens there" I screamed silently as I suffered in silence. Ester merely disappeared from my sight and the scene before me changed. I was no longer under the full moon but in the same basement I was all those years ago. I tried moving only to realise I was tied down against the exact same chair. I whimpered in fear looking up at the man as he twirled a knife in his hand....

"Now.. what to do. I can't kill you, and I can't leave you dying so I've gotta hurt you enough that it leaves a mark but doesn't inevitably do anything drastic to you" His voice was filled with venom and amusement as he took small steps towards me. I tried wriggling out of my chair but nothing seemed to work. Fear arose inside of me as he got closer and closer my heart beat rising as he did. I tried anything and everything not even my powers worked as I focused in on them. "Ahh why so glum little one.. you'll enjoy this as much as I will" The blade inched closer to me as he crouched down to look me in the eye. Thing is he knew me not being able to speak was all because of him and it brought him joy. 

The blade pressed against my face and I could feel it digging in. It all felt real the pain, the agony. Then he did it the blade slid across my cheek and I screamed out in silent pain. 

End of Dream.

I gasped for air as I shot up in bed. I grabbed my face as it bleed profusely. Klaus shot up from beside me still half of sleep but noticeable awake as he smelt my blood. 

Tears spilled out of my eyes as Niklaus looked up and down my worryingly. 

"Love.. how'd this happen.. what happened" Klaus took my cheek in his hand as he inspected it. 

'I..I think it was your mother. She said that because I went back on what she told me to do that I'd pay the price' I hiccuped as I still clutched my face. 'She used him against me Klaus.. that man ' I couldn't finish as I broke into tears. I didn't see Klaus expression but I could tell he was angry as he clutched me possessively. He pulled me away as he looked at me concerned. 

"I know you don't want to hear this right now love.. but I would like to heal you.. is that okay" I nodded shyly as Klaus bit into his wrist and brought it slowly to my lips. I let the blood touch my lips and as I drank it I felt a sort of euphoric feeling. I let go of it wiping my lips clean and the cut sealed up leaving dry blood behind. Klaus brought his wet finger to my face wiping it clean and then he brought me into his arm as tears still rolled silently down my cheeks. "I promise love she'll pay for what she's done to this family.." I smiled at Klaus as my hand touched his face.

 He was taken back, sometimes I think Klaus is not used to love like this and you'd be right. Klaus is a man who by most is seen as a monster. But since I've met him I've never been scared of him, and I think I've slowly been falling in love. As it is he is my soulmate, but with time passing the more I'm with him the more I feel like myself. I pulled away as a small knock came from the door.  We pulled away to see Rebekah at the door. 

"Ohh hello what am I walking into" a smirk lingered on her lips. 

"Sister it is none of your business. Now why is it your disrupting us" Rebekah didn't seem impressed by the tone of Niklaus voice but none the less she continued. 

"Well Damon and I are off to find the one and only Sage.. I think that'll lure our brother out. God knows he was always a sucker for that women" Klaus smile widened. 

"Good job sister. Now leave us" Rebekah sighed giving Nik the finger. He only laughed as I sat on his lap the entire time. 

'I don't think I can sleep at the moment Klaus.. I don't want that man to come back' Klaus tightened his hold.

"Not to worry my love.. will find my mother and I'll make it all go away you understand me" I nodded graciously as the both of us smiled at each other. 


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