Is it over? (Chapter 16)

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_No ones POV_

Monika was walking down the hall, it was Friday. She couldn't really be excited for anything because of what happened.

She just wanted to make her happy, and she new she wasn't able to no matter how hard she tried.

Monika walked inside the bathroom and pulled out a gun. Her mom gave it to her because she was always worried about her 'baby'.

She examined the gun and thought of how many things you could do with it.

She clocked the gun and put it to her head breathing heavily. T-this is what everyone wants. Everyone would be happy if im not hear. They made it clear two times... Monika wrote a quick note then put it on the sink.

She looked at the mirror "G-good bye" She pulled the trigger blood spitting everywhere and her falling to the ground bleeding out.

Yuri walked past the bathroom then herd a gunshot. She ran to the bathroom door seeing blood. She quickly opened the door her eyes widened.

She started shaking. She slowly went to Monika's body. She turned her feeling tears roll down her face.

"I-i did t-this, I drove her t-to th-this" Yuri slowly reached her arm to her heart still feeling a pulse. "She's still alive!! I need to call the ambulance"

She called the and they were coming. She kept on saying sorry under her breath over and over again.

She felt extremely guilty. She didn't want it to end like this. Hearing sirens, she quickly picked up Monika's unconscious body.

Making her way outside, she quickly ran to the vehicle and put her on the bed shaking and crying.

If only if I gave her a second chance this wouldn't have happened... Yuri thought. "You wanna stay or go?" The guy asked. "S-stay-!", "alright then you may enter", "okay."

The sat down and it started moving.

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