Something new(Chapter 3)

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_Monika POV_

It was finally Friday,I got undressed and put some cloths on.I chilled in my living room for a couple of minutes,and then I heard a knock on the door.I opened the door.

"Oh hey Yuri!"I said politely giving a grin"hello Monika!"after that I let her in."what a nice place you have Monika""oh thanks"

"Hey wanna watch Netflix"I ask her as I sit on my couch"Sure"I start scrolling to find what to watch"hey I think I know what to watch"Yuri says"but its a horror movie"she says smirking"ok that's fine"To be honest I can get scared easily when it comes to horror movies,but I hold it in sometimes when I get scared. Sometimes in not able to and hug something or someone or do something else.She puts on the movie and we start watching it.

When the first jump scare happened,I got scared for some and started to hug Yuri and kinda got on top of her,And she held me to but she didn't seem that scared.

We didn't notice until after the movie.We were very close to each,we both blushed and got of of each other."Wanna go out?T-to a restaurant!As friends..."I asked awkwardly "sure"she said blushing even more.

We went into the restaurant we talked to the lady that was there and she gave us a seat.There was a couple behind me and a group of friends behind her.We talked a little bit before the waiter came.Soon we just started staring at each other.But we already set our orders.

"Are you two love birds ready to order?"the waiter says with a smirk on her face.We both start turning red as I say"O-of course!ehehe..."We tell our orders to the lady and she leaves.

"W-well that was embarrassing,she called us love birds..."Yuri said looking down."giggles"I start to giggle"you now its kinda cute that she called us love birds,not that in saying-""its fine,and it is kinda cute if you think about it"we both laugh.

The lady comes back with our food,looks like she was our permanent waiter for today,I thought as she gives us our food.

We start to eat our food,and I started to notice something,when Yuri came into the club on Friday,I started daydreaming about her,and in stating to feel something for her,something special,something that is Love.I start to turn red as I look back at my food and back at her,every second the feeling gets stronger and stronger,and I start getting more red.

"Monika you ok?"Yuri says staring at me"I-I-I-im o-ok..."my heart is thumbing pretty fast as I start to sweet a little."o-ok I think we need to go"we pay for the food and head out.

When we get to my house it was already getting dark,so we had to go to sleep."so where am I going to sleep?"she asks"I don't have a guest room and I don't want you sleeping out here,also I don't think my parents would like people sleeping in there bed,so you have no other choice to...""sleep with you"she finishes my sentence as we both blush a little"l-lets upstairs"I say while walking,she fallows.

I start to get my cloths to change"you got cloths?"I ask"yup","you can change in here."I say to Yuri as I walk towards the door"ok"I walk out my room.I leave the door open a tiny crack on purpose,seems like she didn't Notice.

In done dressed pretty fast,so I don't expect her to be done yet.I open the door for i can see her.I blush alot she doesn't have a shirt OR pants.She got done dressing.I put my back against the wall and I giggle.

I walk in the room knowing she was done."ready?"I ask smirking"yeah"we both lay on the bed and were facing each other"Night","Night".

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