First Glance

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"Presenting the arrival of Khun Ying Perawat and her son, Khun Krist Perawat"

Singto Prachaya observes silently as the greeting interactions between his family and his fiancée take place. He waits until his brother exchanges greetings before he steps forward and greets his soon-to-be mother-in-law.

Khun Ying greets her future son-in-law for the first time, she stares expressionlessly at the second prince. Rumours are somewhat right, she thinks. He is certainly a quiet boy.

Krist Perawat has his head bowed the entire time. He is already nervous as it is, meeting the royal family. His first attempt to greet the King failed when he stuttered obviously to everyone. He finally decides to bow his head for the rest of the greetings.

Both Singto and Krist are pulled into the palace halls before they can properly meet. Both the Queen and Khun Ying chat as if they are old friends before observing the interactions between their sons.

"Krist is not used to these gatherings so he's a bit shy." Khun Ying whispers.

"Singto is just... quiet. He's very different from Kimmon." The Queen states, knowing Khun Ying has met Kimmon on several occasions.

"Let's just observe tonight. Maybe it'll change." Both mothers nod in agreement.


Singto's POV
P'Kimmon keeps bugging me. I want to observe Krist more. I mean I have the right to look at my fiancée right? I thought this dinner we could talk about us before the marriage tomorrow.

I am still not sure.

Peeking to my right side, I stare at Krist as he bows his head. His fingers are knotted. He looks fidgety. Is he nervous? He definitely gives off a different vibe than the picture mother gave me.

Finally, we reach the garden our tea break before dinner. I can see mother and Khun Ying getting along well. I know mother is happy to have someone to talk to.


Silence took over as father cleared his throat. He gestures for everyone to sit and refreshments are served. As usual, P'Kimmon is seated next to father, beginning a business conversation. Mother takes the other side with Khun Ying next to her, both whispering in their conversation.

Which leaves me beside P'Kimmon and Krist beside me. I just sit still with my usual façade.

"Singto, why don't you take Krist for a stroll? I believe Ying mentioned he likes to take walks." Mother gives me a signal. I nod slowly and peek at Krist. He still has his head down. Khun Ying also nudges Krist to go with me. So here we are, two kids being pushed by our mothers to hangout.

We slowly walk along the garden pathways, silence filling the air. I constantly glance at Krist, does this man ever lift his head?

What should I say? I usually don't start conversations. I am not P'Kimmon! I sign defeatedly. Are we going to stay silent in our married life?

"Hello, fiancée."

A soft warm voice startles me. I look at Krist. He is staring at me with his big puppy eyes. Wow. He is so beautiful. Big eyes, a button nose, and pouty lips; a very nice combination.

"Umm... Do I call you Singto?" Another soft warm voice travels to my ears, making me float.

"Hi. Yes. I'm Singto. Krist?" I reply in the same soft tone.

"Yes!" Krist immediately smiles widely, showing his dimples. So cute!

Huh? Beautiful? Cute? What am I saying?! I frown internally at my brain. How can a man be beautiful and cute?

I am in a trance before Krist exhales and looks at me. What he said afterwards shocked me more than my father.

"Let's do this marriage thing properly. It'll be a business contract between us. Without love."

I glance into his big eyes, now cold and emotionless. He is serious.

A marriage without love?


Krist's POV
The moment I step out of the vehicle, I feel the tension. Unlike my mother, I am not used to these greetings. I try to remember what I need to say and do before greeting the King and Queen.

Yup. I failed. So badly.

The first prince Kimmon is very chatty. He reminds me of P'Off. Before I can meet my soon-to-be husband, mother pushes me to enter the palace. I sign deeply.

As soon as we reached the garden, the Queen asked Singto to take me for a walk. Mother even approves. Is this their plan to let us talk?

Now we are walking in the garden silently. Singto looks like he is troubled. Does he hate me? I mean he has no clue who I am and bam! We have to get married tomorrow. I guess he expects a sweet lady instead of a manly man like me.

"Hello, fiancée." I guess I will have to start the conversation. I watch him jump a little before looking at me.

I blink slowly. Wow. He is handsome. Nowhere as tall as Godt but definitely manlier. Uhh! I mean he is tanner. Tan means manly right?

I blink again. He has not said anything.

"Umm... Do I call you Singto?" Please please say something. Anything.

"Hi. Yes. I'm Singto. Krist?" Oh my god. His voice is so nice. It's soft and manly and nice. Just nice. I gulp slowly. Calm down my heart. Oh god, he is saying my name!

"Yes!" I barely choke out a word and smiled, hoping that he does not notice I panicked.

Singto just continued staring at me. Great. We are back to square one. Am I that bad at conversations? Okay. Remember what you are here for Krist.

Do not tie him down!

I took a deep breath and stated: "Let's do this marriage thing properly. It'll be a business contract between us. Without love."

This is what it should be. Singto does not need to be tied down because of a marriage between men. He should have his freedom. And I will give him that. The least I can do for him.

I stare back at him with seriousness, letting him know he can trust me.


Both Singto and Krist stare at each other in silence. Debating everything in their minds. Finally, Singto takes a step forward.

"Look Krist, we just need to ... "

"Sing! Krist! Dinner is ready! Let's go!!" Kimmon skips over, shouting loudly.

Krist signs softly. "Let's go. We can talk about this after dinner. Or tomorrow. Or the rest of our lives." He says sarcastically.

Singto nods. "Shall we?" He holds out his arm for Krist and winks.

Krist blinks slowly before blushing in pink cheeks. "S-sure." He slides his wrist under Singto's arm and walks side-by-side back to the palace.

Kimmon taps Krist's shoulder before running off. "Awwwww wedding sweetness!" He teases.

"P'Kimmon!" Singto shouts. "You'll get used to him."

Krist chuckles loudly. "He reminds me of someone. Don't worry. I'm used to it."

The royal couple slowly makes their way to the dining hall, exchanging laughter and whispers along the way.



Happy Halloween to all!!!


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