Creating Balance

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The Queen smiles at Godt, taking in his clean-cut appearance to his fidgety nervousness radiating in the room. She cuts his gaze to her eldest son, seeing his subtle gestures making her future son-in-law calmer. 

Yup. He is the one. 

A part of her anxious heart finally eases, knowing Kimmon is happy. She always knew he was not meant to be with Sandee. The girl was the best choice and fit for him and their family but she was not the one. 

Now, if only Sandee can find the one too. But she must not rush things. In more than one way, she is glad Godt is the one Kimmon loves. His connection to Krist increases the acceptance from the public, even by a little. At least there will be fewer media "dig-ups" and rumours. 

"Mae?" Kimmon breaks her daydream. "Is there something wrong?" 

Everyone is looking at the Queen making small smiles in her world. It was honestly refreshing to see. Krist is exchanging glances with Singto. They both know Godt will be warmly welcomed. It's the King they are slightly worried about. 

"Mmm? Ohh nothing. I was merely enjoying this fine young man you brought to introduce us. I must say, good taste," The Queen smiles, seeing the soft blush appearing on Godt's cheeks. 

Kimmon blinks and tries to hide a blush. He is not used to compliments. And certainly not a compliment on his lover by his parents. Singto beams brightly. Though he did not see a small pout from his husband. 

"Aww, mae! Am I not a fine young man?" Krist huffs with a pout, earning a chorus of laughter in the sunroom. The palace blooms in radiance. The Queen pinches Krist on his chubby cheeks. 

"You're already my son-in-law. Hush, there's no need to be jealous..." 

Singto coos at the pouting expression and air-kisses Krist. Just then, Bank - the palace butler enters with a polite knock, informing everyone of the arrival of Thanawat. Thanawat walks in with Suthapong and Perth one step behind.

"Sawadee krap," Thanawat and Suthapong wai politely to everyone in the room. Perth stumbles and does the same, ignoring a grin from Krist and Godt. The Queen nods at Thanawat and Suthapong before noticing the presence of a third person. 

"Sawadee ja. Ow, I've not seen this one before," The Queen gleams her round eyes at Perth who startles. Thanawat clears his throat and formally introduces him. 

"Your majesty, this is Khun Perth - a close friend of Khun Krist and Khun Godt." 

"Really~?" Krist interrupts with a tease. "But he's not JUST a friend, isn't he?" Krist wriggles his eyebrows at Perth who faces him with a glare. Suthapong hides a smile and waits for a response from Thanawat. 

"Well, he now belongs to Suthapong and me." Thanawat draws out hesitantly. He feels a warm tap on his back, knowing Suthapong got his back. He immediately relaxes. He sneaked a glance at Perth and finds him staring intensively at the both of them, specifically the hand on his back. 

Perth meets Thanawat's eyes and turns away, turning Thanawat confused. At that moment, the Queen begins to ask questions about their relationship. Thanawat is distracted. Suthapong takes this chance to be by Perth's side. 

"You okay?" Suthapong whispers over the conversation. Perth nods and keeps silent. 

"I'm okay. Just having weird thoughts." Perth mumbles. 

"What kind of weird thoughts?" Suthapong asks again. Perth shrugs and keeps silent. His focus is back on Godt and Kimmon, seeing the Queen gush over them. He feels happy yet sad. The aching in his heart still exists, one way or another. 

Am I not over Godt? 

Perth wonders. Locking his eyes on Godt, he finds himself observing Kimmon, the first prince of Thailand. A part of him was jealous, jealous that he managed to gain the attention and finally, the heart of Godt. 

Another part of him was happy, happy that Godt found someone that treasures him. Although he was kept from the secret of Godt's past relationship, he had accumulated enough details to know what had roughly happened and why Godt chose to be single. 

Despite knowing he is not the one, he still had a lingering hope. Now, the hope is gone and replaced by two other people. Even though he knows he has no longer the same feelings, the turmoil remains and cannot just disappear. He has had them for a while. 

Perth looks back at his reaction in seeing the subtle gesture between Thanawat and Suthapong. He knows they have a past, he knows they are connected on a deeper level. A part of him is envious of their closeness and trust. Another part of him is happy they chose him to join their relationship. 

Perth knows he should share his thoughts with Thanawat and Suthapong. However, he also knows he is the type that keeps to himself until he figures out what is happening. He does not like unnecessary problems or drama. 


Perth snaps out of his daydream, meeting Thanawat's intensive eyes. He also notices everyone staring at him. Krist has a worried expression. Godt is frowning. Suthapong has this look of concern that reminds him of his father. 

Perth clears his throat and responds to Thanawat. "Uh... I'm okay. Just thinking. Yeah... Thinking." Perth diverts his gaze from everyone and stares at the floor. 

Thanawat is silent for two seconds before ruffling his hair. His tender gesture gives some form of assurance to Perth. As if he just needs to be himself and not apply to a standard. Suthapong forces down a sob and flings his arms onto Perth, giving him a huge hug. 

Krist and Godt exchange a pained smile. They are both blaming themselves for not including Perth in their secrets and not reaching out sooner when he left for Queensland. Perth has yet to open up about his experiences in Queensland but they decide not to rush him. 

The Queen sees a need for privacy so she ushers her sons and their partners out of the room, letting Thanawat and Suthapong handle Perth. Their relationship seems to have just started so it looks a little shaky. But she has faith in her sons, even the unrelated ones since she had watched them grow from a boy to a man. 

Back in the room, Thanawat allows Suthapong to get closer to Perth as he knows Suthapong has a healing aura that affects everyone. He steps back and observes Perth. Seeing his vulnerability just makes him more determined to love and care for him. 

With Suthapong's gentle words, Perth feels his senses coming back. He notices Thanwat's expression as their eyes met. He sees Suthapong's gentle smile. He is happy. He is calm. 

"I'm okay now," Perth smiles, latching his fingers with Suthapong's hand. He looks to Thanawat as he walks over to join them. "Thank you." 

Thanawat places a kiss on Perth's forehead and whispers in his ear, "I love you." 



It has been a hectic week so I'm squeezing in every bit of writing I can do. This chapter came as a surprise but I hope you like it. 

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