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"What is this?" Perth questions, looking at the foreign dish in front of him. An aroma of spice, seafood and coconut fills his nostrils. He sees a type of curry placed in an entire coconut, garnished with coconut flesh, kaffir lime leaves and galangals. He can make out several tails of prawns coated in red curry.

(Credits to Flight Centre Blog)

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(Credits to Flight Centre Blog)

"Seafood coconut curry... It's pretty obvious if you asked me," Thanawat answers stiffly. Perth flusters red and keeps his gaze downwards. As the rest of their meal arrives, Perth makes no move to get his utensils or comment on the other dishes.

Suthapong glares at Thanawat and kicks his leg angrily. He casts a meaningful look and swipes his angry expression towards Perth's sad face. Thanawat signs. He is not good with puppies.

He holds out his hand and pauses for one second before laying it on top of Perth's head, he pats the soft mop of hair gently. Perth tilts his vision and meets Thanawat's eyes. They both lock in a trance as time seems to stop. Finally, Thanawat breaks away.

"I'll teach you more about Thailand. For now, let's eat." He says, popping a spoonful of rice into his mouth. Perth shoots him a grateful smile and reaches for a mild-looking dish of vegetables.

Suthapong observes their interactions and says nothing, he pushes an appetiser towards Perth with a smile. "Try this! It's papaya salad, one of their best dishes."

Perth hears papaya and beams happily. He scoops a full spoon of the salad and leads them into his watering mouth. Chomping on the crunchy greens, Perth feels a hot sensation touching his tongue. That sensation soon turns to a sting, burning his tongue to the point his head is spinning.

"My tongue is on fire!!!" Perth screams loudly. Everyone turns to look at him, watching him rapidly drink his iced water. He crunches down the ice cubes in the cup. His lips are showing the same reflection as the red curry, his cheeks are flustered pink. Droplets of sweat appear on his forehead and philtrum.

Thanawat stands up abruptly and runs to the hawker store as Suthapong takes out more ice from his water and drops them in Perth's mouth to neutralise the spiciness. Thanawat comes back with a beverage and orders Perth to drink it.

"Drink this. Take big gulps," His voice fills with worry. Perth takes the drink and lifts it into his mouth, feeling the cold liquid running down his throat. Almost immediately, he feels a sweet taste filling his taste buds, throwing away the burning sensation. He drinks more and feels calmer, although his lips are still stinging.

"T-thanks..." Perth chokes out hoarsely. He wipes his sweat with his sleeve, embarrassed of the ruckus he caused. "I'm sorry for shouting..."

"I think you bit into a chilli seed. That's why it was so spicy. I'll pick out the seeds and chillies for you," Thanawat comforts him, placing a portion of the papaya salad onto a smaller plate before picking out the seeds.

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