Knowing Godt's Past

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"I came... Because... I want to put things right."

"Bullshit!" Krist mocks. "You had years to do that!! And you just had to wait for Godt to be happy before intruding on your sorry self and throwing the past back in his face?! HOW DARE YOU!!"

Krist's outburst makes Dew cower with fear and guilt. He could not bring himself to meet Godt's eyes. Perth steps forward and flinches when Krist turns to him with a murderous glare.

"And I supposed this is the reason you texted me to meet Godt?" Krist hisses as Perth nods timidly. "Traitor!!" Perth lowers his head in shame, feeling his cheek burning.

"Krist... Calm down," Singto appears behind Godt who is pale from shock. He wraps his arm around Krist's shoulders. "Let them explain before we decide our actions, okay? I'm sure Kimmon and I would want to know what happen too." Krist huffs and keeps silent.

Kimmon has been standing in the corner, quietly as he watches the situation unfold. His urge to embrace Godt in his arms is strong, but he does not know if that is the right thing to do. He meets his brother's eyes, seeing Singto give him a frown before jerking his head towards his boyfriend.

Kimmon shakily comes forward and touches Godt's back with his chest. Godt feels his warmth and turns around, leaning on his support. Kimmon feels a tremble and turns protective, his uneasiness washes away. He holds Godt securely and kisses his neck.

"I'm here, don't worry," Kimmon whispers. Godt nods, melting into his arms.

Perth steps forward again. "Dew really wants to put things right. He just came back to Thailand two days ago and he told me he wanted to meet Godt. I know it doesn't excuse his actions but... Please... Just hear him out."

Krist spares Godt a glance, seeing the spike of his anxiety and how Kimmon might react to his past. He knows he should give Dew a chance given their relationship in the past but the anger is still vivid from all those years. Krist was there when Godt went through his life crisis, he was at his side when Godt had no one but him. He knows how much the betrayal affected him.

"Godt... Do you want to talk to Dew? If you don't, I'll throw him out," Krist softens his tone.

"I-I... I don't know. I'm still scared, but..." Godt takes a tired sigh. "I need to close this chapter in my life. It has been too long. And... I promised Kimmon I wouldn't hide anything from him."

Kimmon squeezes his shoulders gently. "Nothing will make me leave. Trust me."

"Okay okay... Let's talk. I'll try not to throw punches," Krist huffs as Singto grins, enjoying the little tantrum his husband is giving. He waits for Krist to head to the living before leading Perth and Dew inside, knowing Kimmon needs to be by Godt's side.

Krist walks to the fridge and takes out their usual Oishi Grape Kyoho Flavor GreenTea, Kimmon's favorite. He places the bottles on the coffee table while throwing one directly to Dew. Dew catches the iced tea with surprise, the aim almost hit his forehead. Dew's expression almost cracked a smile on Krist's lips. Almost.

And then, silence happens.

No one speaks a word. The atmosphere is tense. All eyes are on Godt, he keeps silent. All eyes turn to Dew, he has his head down. All eyes turn again to Perth, and he shrugs.

"Food is hereeee!!!"

A booming voice fills the room as the door slams open. Everyone startles and glances at the door. Arm Weerayut stands at the door with a bundle of plastic bags in his hand, facing them with a wide smile.

"At least wait for us, will you?" Thanawat strolls in with several recycled bags filled to the brim. He shoots Arm a glare just as Suthapong walks in casually, his eyes immediately capture Perth; lighting up with a sparkle.

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