Meeting The Parents

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Kimmon chews his lip nervously. His gaze lingers on Godt enjoying their usual stroll in the park. His soft hum turns Kimmon's overthinking into a content smile. 


Godt tears his gaze away from a squirrel munching on a slice of apple that seemed to be given by a kind stranger. Upon meeting Kimmon's tender eyes, Godt feels himself blushing again. He can never get used to being in a relationship. 

Godt coughs lightly and responds, "Yeah?" 

Kimmon smiles and knocks Godt's forehead gently with his knuckle. "Will you be free this weekend?" He moves his hand lower and grasps Godt's hand, intertwining them together. 

"I guess so. There's nothing new at work. I got the weekend off. Why?" Godt turns his attention back to the scenery in front of them, gazing at the setting skies of pink and blue. 

"Want to have lunch with my parents? It's time to formally introduce you," Kimmon says casually. 

"Huh?? Your parents?" Godt snaps back to Kimmon with wide eyes. 

"Yeah..." Kimmon chuckles, bringing Godt's fingers up to his lips before giving them a kiss. 

"The King and Queen?! This weekend? Introduce me?" Godt repeats in shock. Why would he introduce me? It's not like we are getting married. There is no need for me to meet the parents, erm, meet the King and Queen. So why does he want me to have lunch with them? 

"Godt?" Kimmon waves his hand in front of his face. "Are you lost in your thoughts?" He watches as Godt chews on his bottom lip nervously, it is a habit he has always done. "Hey baby?" He sees Godt snapping his focus toward him. "I'm here. Talk to me." 

"Well... Why do I need to meet your parents?" Godt mumbles, downcast. 

"Because, I want them to know the person I love," Kimmon smiles tenderly. "And believe me when I say, they have been waiting for this day." 

"Waiting to meet me?" Godt asks, flabbergasted. "Why?" 

"Because I haven't fallen for anyone in my life of 30 years. Until I met you. And as cheesy as that sounds, it's true. So please, have a little more confidence in yourself." 

Godt blushes from Kimmon's loving gaze and nods. The sunset suddenly feels more romantic than usual. Kimmon lingers around the bench for a few more minutes before nudging Godt to head home. 

They have been cooped up in Kimmon's apartment ever since they got together. It was as if they did not want the company of others to interfere with their togetherness. As Kimmon's boldness had erupted a series of chaos on social media and television, he has been refrained from attending any events for a month. 

Godt did most of the cooking and occasional grocery deliveries to their doorstep. In the past three days, Godt finally got Kimmon to take a breath of fresh air and made an evening walk their daily routine. 

Friendly threats from his queen mother finally brought back Kimmon to reality, knowing that he needs to bring Godt into his family life. Especially when the press is notified of his existence. He feels his aggressiveness surfacing when he goes out in public. A feeling he has not encountered with anyone else. 

"Kimmon?" Godt's soft voice interrupts his thoughts. "Are we the only ones going this weekend? Will Krist and Singto be there?" 

Kimmon thinks for a moment. It would be easier if Sing and Krist come along so Godt is not that paranoid and stressed. The protectiveness from Krist will probably lower his own defences. Even just a little. 

"Sounds like an idea. I'll message my brother later," Kimmon smiles, lacing their fingers together as they enter the apartment building. Godt nods and relaxes more as they walk into their sanctuary. 

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