The Key To My Heart 🔞

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"Sawadee krap, P'Suthapong," Krist greets politely as he gets in the car. He has requested Arm to send Godt back to Kimmon's apartment. Perth decides to wait for Thanawat for a ride. His confession earlier during their meal was a shocking revelation. He did not even know Perth likes Godt.

"Sawadee krap, Khun Krist. I will be sending you based on Khun Singto's orders," Suthapong informs as the drive starts. "Please cover your eyes with the eye mask beside you. The drive will be approximately 20 minutes excluding any possible traffic jams. Would you like soft music or pop music?"

Krist laughs heartedly, listening to Suthapong's stiff speech. He takes a smooth velvety red eye mask next to his seat and puts it over his head, answering Suthapong before covering his eyes. "Soft music please."

"Krap, Khun Krist," Suthapong answers, turning up the radio channel. The journey is smooth and hassle-free. Upon reaching the front gate, Suthapong sends a text to Singto, informing him of their arrival before proceeding for drop off from the guardhouse. He parks in a visitor spot and leads Krist discreetly into the building, keeping on his blindfold.

"Khun Krist, we will be arriving in a minute," Suthapong informs as they wait in the lift. The lift takes them up to the top floor. Suthapong leads Krist to the entrance door before pressing the buzz bell and keys in the number code. The door buzzes open and Suthapong takes off the blindfold, pushing Krist into the room. "Khun Krist, we have arrived. Please proceed inside on your own. Have a wonderful night." Suthapong bows politely and closes the door.

Krist squints his eyes as the lights flash brightly. Slowly adjusting to the light, he blinks into a familiar hallway that reminds him of a dream. He takes a step forward towards the entrance of another room. He hears soft music playing in the background. Confused, he walks into a dark room.

To put it correctly, a dim-lighted room. Krist sees lit candles surrounding the room, holding another familiar scent of cologne. An intimate set-up shines at the centre of the room, featuring his favourite fried chicken. Two glasses of champagne-like liquid are filled, and placed at the side of the table.


Singto steps into the room with a smile. His handsomely striking smile blinds Krist into a blushing puddle. He comes closer and embraces Krist tenderly, placing a soft kiss on his pink lips. "Did you miss me?"

Unable to form words, Krist continues his stare at his dashing husband. With his sleek, styled hair complimenting his soft Thai features, Krist notices a familiar attire he has not seen for years.

The suit when he knew he fell for Singto Prachaya.

A slender finger reaches out and touches just below his chin, lifting them. "Focus on my eyes, love." Singto smiles with amusement before leaning in for a kiss. Krist blushes pink, embarrassed that he was caught staring. He lowers his head after the surprising kiss and lays his head on Singto's chest, hearing a thumping heartbeat in his ear.

"What is the occasion today?" Krist murmurs, feeling the intoxicating scent of his husband's neck. He feels Singto's hands on his waist and little butterfly kisses trailing just below his earlobe, his most sensitive spot.

"It's the third anniversary. Of our first event together," Singto smiles as he blows gently into Krist's ear, hearing delightful squirms that makes him go wild.

"Our first event?" Krist feels his mind turning into mush. Every shift of focus is now gathering towards a very excited lower region.

"Don't you remember? Your bedtime story. I had to ask P'Kimmon about the exact date before the planning," Singto chuckles lightly. His hands roam over all the spots he loves: the pouty lips, the lickable ears, the delicious neck, the bite-able nipples and his favourite one of all.

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