Domestic Routine Part. 2

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"Welcome back, Khun Krist, Khun Godt and Khun Perth," Bank bows politely with a smile.

Arm steps out from the driver's seat and opens the trunk for the doorman to collect the items given by the orphanage while he carefully lifts the suit to avoid creasing. Krist gets out at the same time. Godt and Perth follow behind.

All eyes are on Krist. Godt notices an important person standing at the top of the stairs as if waiting for their arrival. He holds a notebook in his hand and a pen in another. Krist makes eye contact with him and gives a brief nod. He proceeds to walk down to greet them.

"Sawadee krap, Khun Krist," He bows politely. "I trust you had a smooth event and a good day out with your friends. There are a few things I need to clarify with you before the King returns to the palace."

"Sawadee krap, P'Tee," Krist smiles. "Is this about the confirmation of the upcoming event?"

"Krap! I have sent the schedule of tomorrow's event via email. Khun Singto and Khun Krist are also expected to give a short interview with the local press tomorrow during the event."

Krist nods. "Are the questions selected carefully? We will go through them tonight. Any updates on Khun Paw's schedule? Has everything remained unchanged?"

"Krap Khun Krist. As of today, everything is following the schedule. I will notify you if there are any changes."

Krist nods and smiles. "Khàawp khun krap, P'Tee. I will text you if I need anything else." Tee bows with a smile before heading back to the palace. The palace butler steps forward and greets Krist.

"Sawadee krap P'Bank," Krist smiles. "How are things? Have the rooms been cleaned as needed? The pool refilled? The garden reshaped?"

"Krap Khun Krist. Everything has been cleaned perfectly," Bank informs Krist. "Dinner preparation has started. Is there any specific menu Khun Krist, Khun Godt or Khun Perth would like to request for dinner?"

Krist turns to Godt and Perth. "Any cravings for dinner?"

Godt shrugs while Perth looks at Krist with hopeful eyes. "Thai food? U-um... I want to try eating local food."

Krist laughs. "P'Bank. Ask the chef to take it easy tonight. Something local and simple." Bank nods and leads them into the palace for a rest. Krist excuses himself so he can hang up the suit he got for an event with Singto. The first suit he has that matches his husband's royal attire. He cannot wait to put it on for the first time. He gently places the suit next to Singto's spot and feels his heart bursting out of happiness.

"Krist?" Godt pops his head from the door. "Perth is waiting for you. He's dying to play some games."

Krist chuckles and shakes his head out of the daydream. Following Godt back to the sunroom, Perth meets them with a wide grin, an expression that Krist has not seen for a long time. Almost as if they are back to their years in university.

"By the way," Krist asks as he flops down on a bean bag. "Where are the rest? P'Kimmon? P'Suthapong and P'Thanawat?"

Godt shrugs. "Kimmon texted me saying he has some errands to do. Thanawat followed him. I'm not sure about Suthapong though... He might be with Singto for the event. Perth, did he text you?"

Perth shakes his head. "Nope. He hasn't contacted me." His fingers reach to the helm of his shirt, fidgeting slightly. He wonders why they suddenly become silent in texting him. Not that he misses them but it seems... empty.

Krist notices his discomfort. "Well, both P'Thanawat and P'Suthapong are very dedicated to their work. So if they haven't texted, I guess they are busy with things." Perth nods in acknowledgement, staring at his phone. He wonders again if he should text them first.

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