Running Away

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Kimmon's POV

I walk along the busy streets in a daze, unaware of the people surrounding me rushing by. I thought of visiting Sandee and tell her about my dilemma. I thought about calling my little brother and have a man-to-man talk. 

I watch the trees swaying from side to side, the wind breeze flowing past my skin, the smoky air and dust of busy Bangkok, the noisy honks from cars; and the loud conversations of nearby local folks. 

I am in a dilemma. 

I did not know what to do, or how to respond. All I knew was that I needed time to think. Specifically about my actions, especially when our cohabitation will be happening soon after Sandee goes on holiday. 

I do not know if Godt likes me or if that kiss meant something. But, I know my feelings. The feelings that never came to me over the years of living. 

I love him. 

But I can't. He deserves more. Not someone that has a fiancée and will be married in less than 365 days. He deserves someone who can show him love and affection like how my little brother does to Krist. 

I remember the shy smile he gives me, the little chuckles he lets out when I prank or joke about something. I remember the elegant gestures he does when he eats or reads in his spot on the couch. I remember his honest eyes when he looks at me. I remember his blushes when he saw me in a towel. I remember his trembling self when we kissed before he bolted to the bathroom. 

Everything he does makes me fall deeper. 

I lose count of the number of dreams I have with him by my side, the little moments and intimate exchanges always woke me with a bright smile on my face. The ones I wish could happen. I long to hide his smile away from everyone, the smile that only exists for me. 

Relationships are the only subject we have not discussed with each other. If I were to touch on the topic meaning I have to come clean about my feelings for him, and I'm not entirely confident to do that. I also sense a past that he is not willing to open up based on his brush-offs after countless nightmares of mumbling short phrases within my earshot. 

I guess regardless of my feelings, there is a need to address the situation. Hopefully, he will still stay by my side. Even as a friend. 

I slowly drag my feet subconsciously to a place I know I need to be. 





Knock! Knock!


"P'Kim? What are you doing here?" Sandee raises her eyes at the dishevelled Kimmon standing before her. Out of breath, red-faced with a sweat-filled rugged look, Kimmon signs while catching his breath. Sandee steps back for him to enter her home. 

Kimmon collapses on the couch and hangs his head depressingly. Sandee walks to the kitchen and takes out a can of coke, approaching Kimmon with confusion; she hands him the can and sits on his side. 

"Is something wrong? Talk to me, P'Kim..." Sandee asks worriedly. Kimmon looks conflicted and anxious. Expressions she has never seen before. 

"It's happened!! It fvcking happened!" Kimmon wails in desperation, tearing his hair out. He opens the can of coke and takes a big gulp, setting it down on the table. 

"What happened?" Sandee ignores a text from Perth. They have been texting buddies since dinner night. Surprisingly, they have quite a lot in common. 

"I'm in love..." Kimmon whispers before reaching for his coke again, taking a sip. He signs anxiously as if tears will fall at any moment. 

Shandee breaks into a smile and touches his arm. "It's Godt, isn't it?" She sees Kimmon staring at her in shock. "I know... I see it in your eyes when you talk about him... It's hard not to notice." 

Kimmon chuckles sadly. "I was hoping for you to find someone first, so it's easier to break things off." 

"Life doesn't work that way... So, have you told him your feelings? What happened before this?" 

"We kissed... accidentally. He panicked and ran. I panicked and left." Kimmon signs again. "Did I act like an idiot?" 

Sandee laughs. "Well, a little. But you need to talk things out. P'Kim, tell him your feelings. Don't bother about me or our marriage at this point. It's what you want." 

"I feel like I'm a jerk to both of you... My heart knows what it wants, but my mind says otherwise," Kimmon states whilst looking into the distance. 

Silence falls as they recollect the situation. Not knowing where it takes them. 


Krist's POV
"P'Sing!" I stomp into our room and glare at my handsome husband. My anger subsides a bit at his comfy self, dressed in a simple singlet and boxers; I swallow a mouthful of desire and focus on my frustrations. 

"Welcome back, Krist. Is something wrong?" He questions with a smile. How can I stay mad at that face... 

"Is P'Kimmon here?" I prioritize my question. "I need to talk to him." 

"No, he's not. Is something wrong?" Singto gets up and walks over to me, hugging me from behind as I fall into his arms. I lean back in contentment and break a smile. 

"Godt is upset... I think he cried," I mumble, enjoying the simple touches of my husband. I turn to his neck and peck on it gently. Singto tightens his grip around my waist and kisses my nape, his warm breath lingers near my ear as my breathing grows heavy. "P'Sing... You're distracting me..." 

"Oh really?" Singto chuckles. "Good. That's my intention. To distract you and focus on me..." He sucks softly at my nape to create a mark before leaving butterfly kisses on my shoulder. "Shall we take a shower? I was waiting for you... I'm off tomorrow morning so..." His fingers move lower to my stomach, tracing my sensitive spot. I immediately relax and kisses him tenderly. 

"Mmmm... Just a shower? The night is pretty young," I tease, watching his eyes glow with lust and amusement. 

"Ohh you're asking for it," Singto smiles with a glint. "Let's take a nice bath before a shower... I'll make sure you'll scream tonight." 

I put my arms around his neck and pulls him close. "I'm yours tonight. Please ravish my body." 

My cute husband growls with a deep snarl and pulls me into the bathroom. All worries are forgotten as we indulge in another night of love. 

Now, I just hope the guards surrounding our room are used to the sounds and noises escaping the bulky room. 



This chapter took a while. The previous ones didn't satisfy my reading interest so I rewrote them... 

I feel that the upcoming chapters will be focusing more on KimmonGodt as their story is finally progressing. KristSingto is definitely the main highlight of the story. But, I want the side characters to have equal progress too. 

On a side note, can anyone guess what will happen next? 

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