Our Throuple

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"Why is taking them so long?" Suthapong frowns. The three bodyguards are standing at the visitors' lounge, just outside the apartment building. Thanawat had to remove Arm from the door since he was constantly eavesdropping on the conversation.

Arm and Thanawat stand on different sides of the door, not making eye contact nor talking to each other. Suthapong turns awkward and sighs.

"Can the both of you at least try talking to each other? What past is passed, stop moping over it! And face the fact we'll be meeting each other often so let's be civil!" Suthapong snaps.

"I have nothing to say to him. He was in the wrong and yet, he made it a big issue, and him the victim," Thanawat turns the other way.

"There's nothing civil about our relationship. He accused me of something I didn't do and gave me physical trauma. That is not what friends do," Arm hisses in anger, his mind reminiscing back to that day - the day he decided friendships are not worth pursuing.

Suthapong sighs. One night. One stupid night ruined their friendship. Because of a stupid misunderstanding. He has been silent long enough. This needs to end now.

Suthapong tugs both of them and pushes them to the lift. Shutting the doors, he turns around and glares at them when they start to talk. "No talking. Not one word!!" Thanawat and Arm shut their mouths and exchange a hatred stare.


The lift opens. Suthapong glares at them, whipping his head towards the lift doors. Thanawat walks out followed by Arm. They all reach the rooftop and take a different standing position, away from each other.

"Okay. Now. Talk! I am not going through this again. This has been paused long enough! I will not be the middle person, I will not be the person you pull in your crazy tug-of-war so FVCKING TALK NOW!" Suthapong's screams have both Thanawat and Arm cowering in shock.

"Fine! You want to know why I'm so hostile towards him?!" Arm loses his usual cool facade. "Because I was hurt! The one person I trusted with my life doubted my actions. He turned against me and made me the bad guy. That hurt me more than the punches and silent treatment all these years..."

Thanawat continues to keep silent. His mind is filled with turmoil. He knew he overreacted that day. He knew Arm would never betray him. But his fist landed first before his logical sense.

"Knott..." Suthapong warns with a glare. The stubbornness of Thanawat is the reason why they fell apart. He looks back at Arm, watching him wipe away his tears.

"Sorry... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... I'm fvcking sorry! Damn it!" Thanawat bellows loudly. "I know it wasn't your fault. I know you didn't do anything! I know that bastard planned it all! I know... but ..."

"But what?! Why didn't you come after me?! I was still waiting!! Five years, Knott!!" Arm finally utters his nickname. "Five fvcking years!! You had five years to talk!"

Wow. Imagine if anyone heard them. It sounds so much like a lover's quarrel. Suthapong thinks to himself. And society thinks women are emotional and dramatic...

"Because I was scared!! You meant everything to me... And I hate that I let you down..." Thanawat's shouts turn into sobs. "I hated myself for everything. But it was so hard letting it out."

"Fvcking idiot!" Arm shouts and walks up to Thanawat. Arm punches his left cheek with every bit of force in him. Thanawat stumbles onto the ground, his eyes shocked with tears brimming on the surface. Arm goes down and stares at him level-headed. "Bloody idiot..." Arm murmurs before pulling Thanawat into his embrace.

Thanawat freezes and struggles to pull away. Arm tightens his grip and whispers a soft hush in his ear. "Shhhh..." Finally, Thanawat breaks down and goes limp, every ounce of tears and agony exploded. All of his emotions from all those years building up. Arm pats his back with a soft smile.

Cries turn to sobs. Sobs turn to sniffles.

The drama ends.


Suthapong changes his expression from a happy heart to an amused smirk. Thanawat has stopped crying but starts to bury his face in Arm's chest. Arm also exchanges a glance with him and grins.

Their giant is shy.

They contain their laughter to avoid a bursting celebration. Although this scene has not been witnessed for years. It is heartwarming to see. Thanawat slowly lifts his head and looks at Arm. Arm raises his left eyebrow. "All okay?" He nods silently.

"Now, as much as how sweet this is. Do I clap? Or announce your marriage? Or just give you both a cheer?" Suthapong finally re-announces his presence. Thanawat bursts a blush and pulls away from Arm, getting to his feet. He clears his throat and avoids their gazes. Arm snorts and rolls his eyes.

"Yeah yeah... Let's just stop," Thanawat frowns. "The tears have been resolved. The rest have not."

Arm smiles. "I know. Let's talk again? Someday?"

"That sounds good. Our next day off?"

"You got it!"

Suthapong pouts. "Okay, I'm leaving." He turns to the exit of the rooftop.

"Stop!" Both Thanawat and Arm shout. "Geez. Are you giving him enough sex, Knott? He looks frustrated." Arm states.

"Am not!" Suthapong snaps back. "Plus, I'm not the only one receiving!"

"Okay!! End of sex talk!!" Thanawat interferes. "I think they are done with their talk so let's go down and wait for them."

"Geez... Let's hope Perth is less cranky than this one, Knott. You don't want two naggy wives."

"I am not the wife!!" Suthapong snaps again, his anger growing fast. He begins to remember the times they bicker like mad dogs.

"Oh God... Now I remember why the three of us hardly meet. You two are crazy," Thanawat groans as they go inside the lift. He presses the floor to Kimmon's apartment.

Now he just hopes the drama in that room has stopped.

Sathuuu!! (Amen!!)



I'm still here. Just needed a bit of time to write again.

Well, it is still a throuple in this chapter. Just not the throuple we are looking for. But, hopefully it is something?


I plan to do another domestic moment with our KS (Like the SOTUS conversation), so any series suggestions?

My Moon is My Life (KristSingto)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن