My Decision

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"Huh? Everyone left?" Thanawat frowns, seeing Singto and Krist shrug casually. "How could we have missed them?"

"Ugh... Maybe because we took the goddamn stairs instead of the lift? My legs are freaking shaking!" Arm grumbles as he rubs his calves, sitting on a dining chair. Suthapong laughs. He has missed these little bickering sessions.

"Ai Aim, stop laughing! Ai Arm, I'm pretty sure good stamina is essential for a bodyguard. Are you sure P'Tee didn't miss that out?" Thanawat smirks as he sees a change of expression.

"Oh, you little..." Arm begins.

"Okay okay. So both of you are friends again?" Singto interrupts, having a look of disbelief. He remembers the tension whenever they are both in a room, suffocating and tense. "If all it took was to force you two to talk, why did we suffer so many nearly deaths?"

Suthapong laughs and Thanawat turns to him with a glare. Arm shrugs. Krist tilts his head and looks confused. Singto smiles a little.

"So all it takes is for Suthapong to blow up and scare you guys into talking... Damn, we should have done that sooner," Singto continues his tease, making the trio glare at him. "Oh come on, it has been ages. Let me have fun."

"So where's the rest?" Suthapong changes the subject.

"Godt left after his story ended, Dew left first to find his brother. P'Sing scolded P'Kimmon so he went to find Godt. Perth is avoiding me so he left." Krist lists off everyone. "Why did Perth leave though... I wouldn't kill him, not without Godt's permission anyway."

"Because your anger is scary, love. Even I felt it," Singto gently pats his back.

Krist pouts and huffs. "I was kidding about the killing part. I'm not that cruel..." His mumbles earn a series of laughter from everyone. "Can we please eat lunch? I'm starving."

"Yes, love. Let's eat first." Singto smiles lovingly at his husband. Arm comes forward and unpacks their lunch. The red logo appears, putting a smile on Krist.

"KFC!!!!" He hollers and snatches a plate, his eyes gleaming like a cat eyeing its prey.

Singto smiles again, watching a childlike Krist digging into his favourite meal. The cute, innocent expressions are his favourite. Before sitting beside Krist, he gets a few pieces of spicy chicken and some mashed potatoes.


"Uh... It seems like Kimmon and Godt are not coming back. They say to eat without them," Thanawat informs after checking his messages. Singto and Krist exchange a secret smile. All is solved.

"How about Perth?" Suthapong asks. He has not spoken to Perth for weeks and their last somewhat-encounter was not a pleasant one. He wants to clear up the misunderstanding.

"They didn't see him. Godt met his brother but not Perth," Thanawat sighs and stays silent. Suthapong touches his hand and smiles reassuringly. Thanawat smiles back and nods. "He also says to alert the PR team. There might be a new headline of them."

"Oh no, what has my awesome brother done this time?" Singto groans.

"He declared his feelings to Godt in public," Thanawat snorts, reading the messages again. "Apparently an audience cheered for him."

Krist chuckles and lays his head on Singto's shoulder. "That will be a sight."

Thanawat pops a piece of chicken into his mouth and gets up. "Well, I need to head back to the palace to inform this matter before it goes into chaos. Aim, let me know if Perth comes back. Sawadee Krap." He wais to Singto and Krist before leaving.

My Moon is My Life (KristSingto)Where stories live. Discover now