Chapter 72 "Protection"

Start from the beginning

Jessica:Why are you three sitting together? Don't tell me that you all agreed to hook u-

*he quickly responded before he drank more out of his cup as Sam laughed*

Sam:Come on Jessie, you know that Danny isn't even my type. I'm more into guys who are like Peter but you know he and Dan Dan are dating

Jessica:Yeah I know. I'm surprised Peter is still with him

Danny gave her a cold glare as she glared back and they broke contact when they heard a familiar voice walk in the house. They see the one and only Johnny Storm who had his blond hair moved to the side of his head; he was wearing his favorite black jacket and a red shirt underneath and blue jeans, that had combined with his red and white shoes.

Johnny:Hi Petey! I came to drop your present off

Peter:Who told him to come here?

Johnny:Don't be like that Pete. I can come in right?

Luke:Sure, you're welcome to break in here anytime

Sam held in his laughter from Luke's serious sarcasm as he closes the door and returned back to the couch. Johnny sat on a chair facing Peter as he stared and smiled at him while resting his cheek on his hand, his elbow was resting on the table. Peter felt the weird tension between the three around him but he still continued to finish his plate of food. This had also annoyed Luke that he suddenly called out to them in a berating and raised tone.

Luke:Did you all forget that we have a busy day today to decorate for tomorrow?

MJ:Oh~! You're all decorating?

Luke:We were planning to

MJ:Can I join? We can finish quicker if I help

Jessica:I'll help too since I have nothing else to do

Luke:That's fine, until they all stop making heart eyes at Parker

Peter:Well tell them to stop first Luke. The air between them is suffocating

Johnny:Hey, I only came to give you your present that I told you yesterday. Since you'll all be here I'll stay and help out!

Danny:That won't be necessary. We have enough hands, you'll get in the way

Sam snorted as Peter was bug eyed to his response and he pulls his ear as lightly as he can, making Danny pout as Peter nervously smiled at Johnny who looked still calm and had a smile on his face.

Peter:Sorry for his response hothead

Johnny:Aw it's fine Pete!

Peter:Yes but I do agree with him that you will only be a distraction, so you should leave early to see your sister

MJ:Peter. He came all this way from his building to drop off your gift, so you should at least let him stay

Johnny:Yeah Petey. Who knows if I'll get the chills of just heading outside in the freezing cold

Peter:You don't even feel the cold due to your fire ability hothead, so stop lying

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