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"I'm breaking up  with you. We're done. I'm sorry I don't love you anymore."

I immediately went out from my room and showed my boyfriend's message to my best friend.

"Bess, we're done. He broke up with me." And we both cry.

She pulled me closer and hugged me so tight, trying to ease the pain.

"It's ok bess, I'm always here. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe God has a better plan for you. He doesn't deserve your love he's a bitch!"

My best friend comforted me but there's nothing could ease what I was feeling.

One time, she held me her phone. I accidentally pressed the messages and I saw my boyfriend's name on it's list. Because of curiosity and thinking I wanted to open it, I pressed it making their conversation to pop up.

"Very Good! now that you and my best friend are done. Ok I'm now making it official. I'm now yours and you're now mine, alone."

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