Ѽ Halloween Special - Pt. 1 Ѽ

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Nightmare turned away agitatedly, blushing at his intrusive thoughts and sighing before turning back around. Why did Cross have to be so adorable— and why did he have to keep thinking that?!

"So where's your costume, Nightmare?" Horror asked, voice muffled by the fake implanted teeth. "You need a costume to go trick or treating, or else people will look at you weird!"

"Oh, no! I wonder what it's like to be looked at weirdly seeing as I'm a goo-dripping tentacle monster!" Nightmare face-palmed, shaking his head disappointedly.

"Oh. Okay." Horror shrugged confusedly, the sarcasm going right over his head. The hole in his head really did affect him, didn't it?

"Oh, it's coming." Dust smirked, tilting his head down with a dark smirk. The devil horns on his head seemed to fit him even more, demon tail swaying to the side.

"What's coming...?" Nightmare spoke confusedly, voice drifting off as his eyes widened in realization. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE—"

A long, blue vine-like string attached to the ceiling flung towards Nightmare carrying a large blue costume.

Before he had the chance to dodge, it hooked onto his body and zipped itself up, leaving him with his arms outstretched and a frozen expression.


Killer was the first to laugh, bending over with his hands on his knees, gasping for air with tears in the corners of his eyes.

"T-this is t-too good!" He laughed, wiping off his tears.

"You look way better like this!" Horror commenter, raising his finger and twirling it in circles with a grin.

Nightmare let out a low, intimidating growl, tentacles lashing as he turned around, facing the purple-tinted mirror behind the sofa.

He was wearing a cyan octopus costume made of a cheap, low-quality fabric with exaggerated eyes for kids.

"Those strings... Error..." Nightmare muttered, blushing in both anger and embarrassment as he flipped himself around, cutting the others off from their laughing.

"ERROR, GET YOUR FLAT ASS OVER HERE, NOW!" He ordered, stomping his foot in anger with fume coming out of his skull.

His tentacles were writhing, drooling at the thought of choking Error tightly with them as he would inevitably sobbed, begging for mercy that would never arrive.

"Yes?" Error smirked, walking out from the kitchen with his usual glitchy voice. It sounded smug, unbothered by Nightmare's obvious rage. "It really suits you."

Nightmare bristled, looking up and down at Error's black bat wings and fluffy ears with his mouth agape.

Error's power level matched Nightmare's, so if they were to ever engage in battle, either neither of them would leave or both would be near dusted. Neither of them believe in mercy, either. He frequently lets Error off the hook for that reason.

"I didn't take you for someone to participate in such foolish activities," Nightmare muttered in pettiness, crossing his arms and looking away childishly. "I thought you were the smart one."

"Foolish? What's foolish about taking advantage of a day where you can literally get free candy?" Error asked, folding his hands over his chest with his bone brows raised. "Sounds pretty smart to me."

Nightmare's face contorted in annoyance as the others snickered, giving Error thumbs-up at successfully shutting up Nightmare.

"A-anyways, guys, are we going or what?" Cross stepped in between the two of them, raising his arms over his short little body as his mismatched eyes poked from the seeing-holes.

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