Ѽ Halloween Special - Pt. 2 Ѽ

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Given that Cross overheard from Blue that Classic's house was giving out some great candy, he insisted on going there first.

Nightmare was slightly cautious, Classic was unaware about the Aus, even though Ink was considering getting him involved in due time.

He is a Sans, so he must be somewhat observant, he'd surely be suspicious.

Cross also insisted that someone go with him, and that person was Nightmare. Killer decided to tag along as well, though it appeared that it was not because he wanted to get closer with Cross given their constant bickering...

"Here we are," Nightmare said, stopping in front of a brightly decorated house with jack-o'-lanterns hanging in the porch. "Go get your candy or whatever, just don't stay for too long."

Cross, who was previously hopping along behind him, despite Killer's numerous attempts to trip him, stopped as well.

"Yay! Thank you, Nighty!" Cross cheered, leaping up to Nightmare and giving him a kiss on the cheek, dashing off to the door leaving a flustered Nightmare.

"He's so annoying..." Killer scowled, stepping beside Nightmare and looking disappointedly are the cyan blush he wore. "Why are you blushing? You... you can't even love, or at least you've never expressed—"

Nightmare gave him a sharp look, causing Killer to shrink and apologize swiftly. Killer had previously confessed to Nightmare before, but was rejected and explained to that Nightmare couldn't even return his feelings.

Killer was heartbroken, of course, but accepted it and understood. But now he's getting flustered over Cross? He's starting to get skeptical of his reasoning.

"I-I'll just go..." Killer stuttered with trembling hands, escaping his incoming rage as soon as possible. He knows what Nightmare is capable of doing when angered— or otherwise.

Nightmare sighed as he watched Killer sprint off, looking down with a sad smile. He wasn't lying, he'd been told all his life that he could neither love nor be loved... and he believed that, he's never felt any sort of affection for anyone before.

And while it's true that he didn't quite believe the second part, considering Killer had quickly proven that wrong, could it be that he was just using Nightmare for protection and special privileges?

The only reason this could be happening would be if... if he was... de-corrupting? But that's not possible, is it? This is the only sign he's shown, anyways, it's not like his appearance was changing or anything.

The other option could be that he always had the capacity to love, he just suppressed it because of his own negative feelings about himself. Or both.

Whatever. It's not love, it can't be love. He's incapable. And with that last thought, Nightmare followed both Cross and Killer to the house silently.

The Star Stupids had already run off to the Ruins, ready to bombard Toriel as well as the rest of the monsters that reside there with their atrocious singing and annoying voices squealing 'Trick or Treat!'

He still remembers Dream squeaky voice from when they were kids, every time they went trick or treating together Dream would get all the candy and Nightmare would receive a filthy look. He wasn't very well liked in his hometown Au, you could say.

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