: *.☽ .* : Chapter 9 : *.☽ .* :

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Taking a shaky breath, Blue peered at the paint that he spilled to the floor with a guilty expression. Luckily, the floor was already black to begin with, but the paint was far more saturated so it didn't blend in.

Ack, that's gonna take forever to get rid of! Being the clean freak he is, and the upstanding citizen he is, it is his duty to fix his dastardly

Blue grinned determinedly, he decided that since he doesn't like to waste things that he would use this paint the next time he makes his delicious tacos! Mweh-heh-heh, he is so resourceful!

As a matter of fact, how about he make some tacos right now! It's not like he has anything better to do, Nightmare abandoned him to fend for himself in this looming castle.

He sprinted off to the kitchen, which was a tiny room connected to the living room north of the strangely large couch they had. Most likely to fit all of the members of their large, evil group.

The main colors were red and yellow, which is interesting because red and yellow are the chief food colors, evoking the taste buds and stimulating the appetite.

Papy told him once when he presented him with blue and purple tacos! Apparently that wasn't the color they were supposed to be, who made that rule anyway?

Blue approached the fridge and cabinets, gathering ingredients and using his magic to simultaneously cut and mix them. Papy told him he's a good multitasker.

Let's see... corn tortilla, ground beef, onion, tomato, cheese, salsa— it all smells so good! The smell of Mexican food in general makes him drool, the sultry chili and cinnamon. The air of Mexico is frequently spiced with chilli which often makes you cough before you realize what you can smell.

Papy knows Spanish, he even taught Blue some! For example, uno! Uno means... um... anyways, all that matters is that he knows the word and how to pronounce it, right?

"I wonder what Papy's doing right now..." Blue muttered sadly, his baby blue eyes pooling with tears involuntarily as he stopped using his magic altogether, instead opting to stand limply.

Does Papy miss him? Is he trying to find him? As much as he feels bad if he worries about him... he also feels relieved that he cares. Papy has never been the most affectionate, he's actually been rather distant lately.

And then a cold, skeletal hand plopped onto his shoulder.

"PAPY!" Blue screamed, spinning around and summoning multiple glowing blue bones and swinging them at the perpetrator. Adrenaline rushed through his veins as he prepared to fight to his very death! He didn't mean to call Papy's name... but that's in the past.

He has to focus on defending himself against this— oh. It just him, haha, he'd gotten all worked up for nothing!

"Someone has good reflexes," the skeleton smirked proudly, successfully dodging each attack without a second thought. His mismatched target eyes were fixated on Blue's teary ones, causing his smirk to fade.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, adjusting his pulled-up hood and taking a step towards Blue. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

Blue relaxed his stance completely, leaning against the countertop containing his taco ingredients and panting.

Dust stood next to Blue, placing his fingers on his skull and rubbing it against the blue teardrops. His skull felt smooth, squeaky, shiny and clean. Like he washes it everyday immaculately with a sponge everyday; which he most likely does.

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