Short Halloween Smut!

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Hello, I know I take 100 years just to upload a new chapter, but I pushed myself to write y'all a nice lil .... side story hehehe... 



"Jimin!!" Hoseok shreaked from behind the door. "Get out of there it's almost time to go!!!!"

Jimin slammed the door wide open. His eyes were red with anger and his fist locked into a tight fist. He panted loudly in annoyance. 


"But chim chim... you were taking too long!" Hoseok whined. "You don't wanna be late, do you?"

"Ugh! Whatever, I'm ready now." Jimin grumbled.

"Ooohh nice costume! You look cute." Hoseok smiled.

Jimin chuckled cutely and spun around, showcasing his black and dark blue witch costume that he made himself. He was really proud of his creation since sowing was one of his many hidden passions. The omega wore a dark blue cloak made out of shiny silk, a medium length dress with a tight black corset hugging his form, a pair of long black higheel boots, and, of course, a big witch's hat. 

"D-do you think the others will like it?" Jimin stuttered. 

"Oh yeah! It's great jiminieee" Hoseok couldn't help but stare at Jimin's form fitting outfit. 

The pair left the house, walking along the sidewalk towards towards the event. Their school was hosting a big Hallloween dance for the alpha population, and Jimin had to attend! His love for dancing, and costume making, made him want to go. Halloween truly was his favourite time of the year. 

"What about my costume?" The alpha asked, gesturing to his atire. 

He was wearing tiny devil horns on his head, with a dracula cloak and a red suit. Jimin chuckled; his costume was adorable. 

"I like it!" Jimin smiled. 

Once they arrived in front of the building, a handsome nurse came to greet them. 

"Hello Jimin." Nurse Jin smiled in his pumpkin costume. "Follow me, the party is through this door!" 

Loud music boomed through large speakers, lights blared and danced around the room as the gym was packed full of life. The whole school was there! Many alphas were hanging out at the food bar whilst the others had fun on the dance floor. 

Jimin's heart skipped a beat; this was so much fun! 

"Hobiiii let's go dance!" Jimin tugged on his sleeve in anticipation. 

"Ahhh fine, I can't say no to you hehe." Hoseok rolled his eyes. 

The pair joined the mobs of alphas on the dance floor and danced to their hearts content. In an instant, Jimin's smooth moves and entrancing dancing caught the attention of the people around him. He really was an excellent dancer, and the atmosphere he created around him was something special. He unconsciously let out sweet pheromones out of happiness, causing even more people to eye him down. Hoseok's nose picked up the faint smell and he quickly stopped Jimin. 

"Ppppsssst JIMIN!! You're letting out your pheromones!!!" Hoseok panicked. 

"Oh! Thanks for telling me Hoseok-"


A tall, dressed up Jungkook stood in front of the omega with a light blush on his cheeks. He wore an orange toxedo with a green tie; he was like a fancy pumpkin. Jimin's eyes lit up cutely as he thought Jungkook's atire was simply adorable. 

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