I make my way towards the door, with nobody stopping me this time. No one utters a word as I close the door behind me and race frantically back to the bus. As I'm running on my feet, I hear the door to the offices shut behind me, assuming Harry had just left as well. 

I try to keep the tears at bay until I lock myself away inside of the bus. I run up to the door, and fling myself inside. Niall, Liam, and Zayn are all sitting in the front room and immediately look up upon my entrance. 

"Louis?" Zayn speaks up, standing with a look of concern across his face. I don't give him a second look as I wobble into the writing room and close the door, finally releasing a sob I've held in far too long. 

Emotion washes it's way over my body as I can't handle the feeling in my bones. I sit against the wall beside the door while gasping for air. I pull my knees against my chest, resting my head on them as I try so hard to just breathe, but I can't. 

I don't even register the sound of the door opening, or the feeling when strong, warm arms are wrapped around my body. I immediately burrow my head into his neck, having his scent wash over me, calming me briefly. Sobs rack at my body and I don't know how to control them.

I was foolish, foolish. How could I ever think Harry and I would be able to work again. I had brief hope that one day we would be able to be out, free. It's only an emotion. I just want to express a single emotion that I feel. How much is it risking? Who cares if we lose a few fans, we may even gain new ones. More than half of our fandom believes in us anyway, they support us, why doesn't management see that? It's all too much sometimes. 

"Harry." I sob into his neck. I want to just tear myself apart. I want to out us and I want to tear my skin apart. "Darling, shh, it's okay. Breathe. I'm here. I love you." He whispers into my ear. He reassures me. He's the only thing that can help me to be able to function. He's the other half of my heart. 

Management can kick us, bruise us, even scar us. But they'll never break us again.

We learned how much we rely on each other, and I don't care if that makes me dependent on Harry. I feel complete with him and I will never, never, let him go again.

"Harry." I cry again. I don't know what else to say. I don't know what to do or how to express exactly how I feel, when I can't even express it to myself. 

I can feel Harry's fingers running through my hair, wiping away my tears. My sobs slow into sniffles as I feel Harry's warmth as his body is spread around me. He's rocking us slightly, barely able to feel it. 

"If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you." 

I squeeze my eyes shut. Harry's delicately sweeping my fringe as he starts to softly sing into my ear. 

"I think I might, give up everything just ask me to." 

My fingers tighten into his shirt, tears staining the white material beneath me. 

"Pay attention I hope that you listen, cause I let my guard down. Right now I'm completely defenseless."

"For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart. For when you're lonely, and forget who you are. I'm missing half of me, when we're apart. Now you know me, for your eyes only. For your eyes only." 

The words flow softly, smoothly between his lips. I stare up at him in adoration as he looks down at me with love. 

In that moment I realize how lucky I am to have him by my side. I wouldn't of been able to go through everything these past years without him. He's my rock. My ride or die. And I would rather die than ride without him. 

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