Chapter 31 : Lizard Swamp (3).

Start from the beginning


Under the continuous barrage of attacks, the Skeleton Warriors broke to an irreparable state. In addition, the Skeleton Warriors weren’t able to counterattack in the slightest. They were no different than sandbags.

Ilya became flustered.

This wasn’t it.

Although the Lizardmen were supposed to kill Hyrkan, such a scene wasn’t part of her scenario.


“I’m out of magic power!”

Hyrkan shouted at Ilya. As if that wasn’t enough, Hyrkan approached Ilya and spoke again.

“I have no magic power left. Please buy some time for me to recover it.”

“What do you…”

“You just have to buy time. We’re in an urgent situation, so please take on the role of the tank for a while.”

Ilya did not have any way to refuse Hyrkan’s demand. Everyone knew that a magician without magic power was useless in Warlord.

In the end, Ilya reluctantly and carefully moved towards the Lizardmen.

Watching Ilya approach the Lizardmen, Hyrkan silently smirked.

‘Who do you think you’re trying to backstab?’

Everything so far was within Hyrkan’s expectations. Although it was possible that they would leave after the ten Lizardmen, Hyrkan was confident enough to bet his life that they would try to backstab him.

That’s what Warlord was. There was no such thing as turning over a new leaf. As the saying went, once a thief, always a thief. Those who enjoyed PKs did PKs their whole life and those who enjoyed conning others conned others their whole life. Nothing changed in Warlord. There was no reason to.

When Hyrkan saw Ilya bring over two Lizardmen, he knew their plan began. There was no doubt that the other two were bringing more Lizardmen.

He didn’t have to see it to know. They planned to throw a bomb called Lizardmen, and when Hyrkan was in a close fight, they planned to throw a magic attack on Hyrkan on ‘accident’. They might even ‘mistakenly’ cast Healing on his skeletons. No matter the case, they would burst out into laughter once Hyrkan died. The memory of today would serve as another treasure for them.

There was no way Hyrkan would allow such a thing.

So he…

‘They’re coming.’

Threw the bomb back at them.

It was simple. He just didn’t have to take the bomb in the first place.

Hyrkan snapped his fingers.

Snap, snap!

One, two.


Then three!

The snapped his fingers thrice.

Then, in the middle of battle, his Skeleton Warriors began to dance.

The zombie dance of Michael Jackson’s Thriller embroidered the battlefield.


♬♪’ Cause this is thrillerㅁ, thriller night ♪♬

Michael Jackson’s Thriller. The beat of that masterpiece thumped Hyrkan’s chest and eardrums. Only Hyrkan could hear the song.

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